22-Year-Old Bochur Makes His Fourth Siyum on Shas!

A rare and moving event took place Tuesday evening at Yeshiva Yagdil Torah in Jerusalem, when a young yeshiva bochur finished Shas for the fourth time, and he is only 22-years-old.

Avraham Abba Halevi, a 22-year-old Yeshiva bochur, held a siyum on Shas, a rare occurrence in itself. What is even rarer is the fact that this is the fourth time that Avraham finished Shas Bavli.

HaRav Avraham Teichman and all the rabbonim of the yeshiva participated in a large ceremony held at the yeshiva in Jerusalem. With the end of the moving kaddish, after studying the last sugya in Shas, all the bochrim began singing and dancing in honor of the Torah.

His friends explained to Kikar Shabbos News, “one rarely sees him without a Gemara in hand. He is a true masmid and a major talmid chacham.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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