Policy of Tiveria’s Anti-Chareidi Mayor May Have Led to Smashed Display Window at a Shomer Shabbos Store

The owner of a shoe store in Tiveria reported on Monday that his showcase window had been damaged during the night, smashed by vandals, though nothing was stolen.

The owner of the Eli & Gadi Shoes is a traditional Jew, a person known for his warm heart and fondness for all matters of kedusha and tradition. Two weeks ago, rabbonim and askanim in the city, dati leumi and chareidi, began working to enhance Shabbos in the city, working hard to counter the harsh anti-chareidi policies of the mayor, Ron Kobi.

The actions of the rabbonim included distribution of stickers saying “כי אשמרה שבת א-ל ישמרני. טבריה שומרת על השבת”., (Tiveria keeps Shabbos), and such a sticker was prominently displayed in the opening of the shoe store.

The owners of the store believe the sticker is what prompted the hate attack, as nothing was stolen from the store. They summoned police and crime scene technicians responded to gather evidence. The investigation continues.

In other news from Teveria, in light of the vehemently anti-chareidi policies of Mayor Kobi against women at the city’s IDF induction center, attorney Nadav Gedalyahu sent a letter to Israel Police in Tiveria on behalf of the chareidi tzibur, calling on law enforcement to stop Kobi’s continued efforts to throw the women out from in front of the IDF facility.

The letter refers to efforts by women affiliated with the Eida Chareidis, whom have been distributing leaflets to women outside the induction center in the hope they will have a change of heart. Prior to embarking on their operation, they tell the media that consulted with an attorney and they are assured their actions are well within the parameters of the law, albeit, a bane to the city’s mayor, Kobi.

Attorney Gedalyahu explains to police that the Vaad Yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael, which is responsible for ‘Merkaz Hatzoloh’, the women’s organization providing information to young women, showing a video in which “The mayor looks like a renegade and defends his activity, approaches them threateningly, attacks them verbally without any provocation on their part, and threatens to deal with them with ‘harassment and bullying'”.

Gedalyahu adds, “The video shows that the mayor is accompanied by a large entourage on his behalf. The entire entourage encompasses the activity in a threatening and defiant manner, restricts their freedom of movement, and instructs the soldiers of the recruitment office – it is unclear by what authority – not to let them approach the recruiting office.”

“Later in the video, one of the men from his entourage was seen emerging from behind them and apparently attacking one of the activities – reaching out to her body and touching her and personal belongings without her consent, and it is pointed out these are chareidi women who are strict about ‘negia’.

“The Mayor and his entourage use insulting and derogatory expressions such as ‘You will not be here, we will take care of you,’ and you are an absolute shame’ and other expressions such as this, and the mayor even threatens them – here, too, is unclear by what authority – that the next time he sees them there he’ll have them removed.”

The letter continues to elaborate how the women, who are simply distributing literature, are being harassed by a city official, without provocation, and without justification. He adds that “in light of the harassment, threats and verbal insults, I feel the situation warrants bringing the situation to your attention, to permit you to act within your authority to prevent the taking of the law into one’s own hands by the mayor and his entourage.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. If the mayor would do this to Arabs, Ethiopians, or even illegal Sudanese — there would be a huge outcry throughout the country, the police would be investigating, and he’d quickly shut his big mouth.

  2. Re Tveria incident of anti-Chareidi violence. My experience in Toronto and prior to that in Israel for decades is that Chareidis are so obsessed with their deep beliefs that they lose awareness of how aggressive they are when imposing their beliefs on others. Anti-Semitism has reasons and roots. Some of the reasons are deep in the past. E.g. Jews were tax collectors for the Polish rulers in Ukraine in the 15th-16th century. Be mindful of the right of non-religious Jews to not be harassed by Chareidi believers. Your obsession does not give you the right to impose it on those who are not..

  3. IC: are you justifying anti-Semitism? Were the Nazis also justified in their hatred and genocide? You know — it didn’t start with Cyclon B; it started with harassment, caricatures, and anti-Jewish legislation.
    There is a status-quo in the city of Tveria that the new mayor is trying to tear down. Do you feel that is justified? The Chareidim in town feel differently. Should they timidly ask nicely for the mayor’s cooperation? Do you think THAT will work?

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