Jerusalem Demographics: Jewish Women Have More Babies

bolIn 2012, 22,800 babies were brought into the world, 64% (14,600) to Jewish women and 35% (7,900) to Muslim women, representing 13.3% of the number of babies born nationwide, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) reported ahead of Jerusalem Day 2013.

Jerusalem women are in first place regarding the number of births per woman, averaging 3.93 during their lifetime as compared to 3.0 nationwide. If one analyzes birth per Jewish woman in Yerushalayim in 2011, that figure stands at 4.24 as opposed to 2.98 for Jewish women nationwide. Regarding Muslim women in the capital in that same year, the number stands at 3.71, higher than the national Muslim average of 3.51.

Another aspect of life addressed by the CBS is living conditions. Jerusalem leads the five largest cities, those with over 200,000 residents, in the number of people living in a bedroom with 1.18 in 2012. Comparatively, that figure stands at 0.90 in Ashdod, 0.81 in Petach Tikvah, 0.79 in Rishon L’Tzion, 0.73 in Haifa and 0.74 in Tel Aviv/Jaffa.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. The Israeli government considers it a problem that there are so many babies, particularly in Jerusalem, since they tend to be born to Hareidi mothers. The government is fast at work looking for remedies to this problem, such as cutting child allowances or restructing the schools to make “productive” (i.e.zionists) out of the babies.

  2. Baruch Hashem!

    Btw, this is what scares the Chilonim like Lapid/Lipman. They’re doing the math & they know in a matter of a few years, the “Chareidim” will be the majority. This is why they are making one last ditch effort to destroy R”L the Torah way of life in the “holyland”!

  3. I’m not worried whether one particular Jewish group becomes the majority or not. I am concerned about a prosperous future for the Jews and E’Y. So what if the Chareidim become the majority and elect their own leaders. The nation can still crumble and become destroyed. I prefer a balanced government, which we need right now and will certainly need in the future if commentators truly believe that a chareidim majority in government is ideal.

    Lastly, I value quality not quantity.

  4. To #1
    You constantly have an anti-Zionist agenda that you push whether the article mandates it or not. Even tHe secular government wants more jewish, even charedi, babies than Arab babies. If most charedim would be like you that might be a different story… Thank G-d we are not.

    My we continue to grow in numbers and may all the children born in to klal Yisroel be healthy and be a source of yiddishe nachas to Hashem.
    Chazak Chazah VE’nitchazek

  6. #1 & #2
    Mazal tov to the Religious Women giving birth. I would love to introduce you to my friends that Yesha that give birth in Yerushalayim to babies 10,11 and 12…

  7. #5 – According to the secular press, the people who run the Israeli government (not the people you wish ran the Israeli government), are proud how they have facilitated lowering the Arab birth rate, and are hopeful they can manage to lower the Hareidi birth rate – which they see as a serious problem. I suggest you stop looking at frum (meaning Jewish, such as YWN or Arutz Shevah) news sources, and look at the hiloni news sources – and you will discover what the typical Israelis really think about orthodox Jews.

  8. Mr. 9,
    Haaretz is read by 5% of the Israeli population and you keep assuming that its propaganda is the law and thoughts of the citizens of the country.

  9. #10 — In the last election, ignoring a handful of hareidim (and larger number of Arabs) boycotting, parties opposed to Torah did very well, which is why they control the government. Parties favoring Torah did poorly. That’s one poll that isn’t subject to media bias.

    More importantly, those who control the Israeli legal, political and economic systems read the secular media, and it is reasonable that the ruling class’s opinions are reflected in the secular media. While none of us on YWN like to admit, the sorry truth is that the people who control the Israeli government hate us, not because of anything we did or might do in the future, but because by being loyal to Torah and Mitsvos we are embracing that which they reject and despise.

  10. #11- No one in the Israeli govt hates YOU. You live in the US. Please stop referring to yourself as “Us”. Also, is posting on YWN all day considered “being loyal to Torah and Mitzvos? When do you even have a moment to learn anything?

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