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Barak Orders Renewed Flow of Fuel to PA

ehud barak.jpgDefense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday night ordered the resumption of fuel delivery to the Palestinian Authority in Hamas-controlled Gaza after PA officials began applying increased pressure on the international community.

Fuel delivery to the PA was halted following last week’s terror attack at the Nachal Oz fuel depot in which two Israelis were killed. Israel announced fuel deliveries would not resume until security at the depot was improved.

Barak ordered fuel for Gaza’s power plant as well as cooking gas. For the time being, gasoline or diesel fuel for motor vehicles will not be brought into Gaza.

Resumption of services is expected to get underway Wednesday following the required security arrangements on both sides of the depot. Officials in the Defense Ministry indicate Barak decided to comply with a request made by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Isnt it amazing that the Arabs, who have all the fuel and are making more trillions than ever, dont supply an ounce to their brethren, and the Israelis who are being killed by these Arabs, and have almost no fuel, get criticized for withholding fuel to these murderers?

  2. One can pull their hair out over these politicians. Their motivation for everything move they make, has nothing to do with protecting the wellbeing of their people. It’s astounding!!

  3. I honestly don’t understand why people still labor under the misconception that Israeli politicians act in the interest of the people.

    Pirkei Avos says otherwise, and that refers to any rashus, and certainly one like Israel, where modern and recent history, shows otherwise.

  4. I thought the threat was genuine! (yeah, sure)
    How these politicians sleep at night is beyond me. Once again th ecomfort we have is
    lev sorim byad hashem.

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