FIGHTING THE HATE: Rabbonim Call On Frum Tiveria Residents To “Rebel & Not Pay Taxes”; Lieberman Spews More Hate

In light of the increasing anti-religious sentiment in the city of Tiveria, the city’s Av Beis Din, HaGaon HaRav Avraham Dov Auerbach has called on citizens to rebel by not paying taxes until the newly-elected mayor Ron Kobi halts his Chillul Shabbos agenda.

Rav Auerbach made the announcement at a large gathering on Sunday night:

“I call for a tax revolt, they cannot continue the chilul Shabbos in our streets. One wishing to be mechalel Shabbos do it in one’s own home,” the Rav announced.

“They ask for money each year, for business licenses – don’t pay. We, the shomer shabbos community that is MeKadesh the Shabbos, will not pay a cent to the municipality, Hashem please help, that they will all do teshuvah,” Rav Auerbach said, completing his remarks with the recitation of ‘Utzu Eitza V’Sufar’ (עוצו עצה ותופר).

MK Avigdor Lieberman, who heads the Yisrael Beitenu party, continues to incite against the chareidi MKs: “I call on the chareidi tzibur to disconnect from the group of interested askanim – Gafne, Deri and Litzman”.

Lieberman was reacting to hearing reports that the chareidi tzibur is planning to announce a public Tefilla event against the mayor, as well as the threat of halting tax payments.

Lieberman says: “It is worth mentioning that the founding fathers of Zionism: Herzl, Pinsker and Jabotinsky, very much loved the tradition of Israel and even drew ideas from our sources in order to formulate their political and social outlook.

“However, they never observed Shabbos and kashrus. Trumpeldor, the pioneers and Betar were not exactly observant of mitzvos.”

Lieberman added: “If we were waiting for Gafne, Litzman and Deri, the Jewish state would never have been established, so I call upon the chareidi public to disconnect from the group of interested askanim, to enlist in the IDF and to go to work.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Talk about Leiberman ‘s racist ,anti-charedi stereotypes! The problem in the haredi tzibbur isn’t unemployment ,it’s underemployment in lower paying jobs and discrimination in trying to get equal pay or higher paying jobs!!!

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