Leftist TV News Anchor Speaks Her Political Mind During Evening Broadcast, Leading To Audible Protests

In a letter sent to the Second Authority by attorney Itamar Ben-Givir, one of the leaders of Otzma Yehudit, it was written that “Oshrat Kotler’s harsh statement, harshly and blatantly, against IDF soldiers is an inciting statement against the soldiers who are engaged day and night in maintaining Israel’s security.”

The letter further states that: “Beyond the serious ethical flaw that arises from this conduct, it also continues with an offense under Section 4 (c) of the Law to the Second Authority for Television and Radio, which stipulates that an authorized broadcaster shall not broadcast, directly or indirectly, his personal opinions.”

“We expect the Second Authority to initiate immediate proceedings against Kotler,” calling on the authority to remove her from her position.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was among those who responded to her remarks, telling the press, “I am proud of IDF soldiers and love them very much. The words of Kotler are worthy of condemnation.”

I am proud of IDF soldiers. They are protecting us, and we are carrying out the supreme humanitarian and moral mission of defending our people and protecting our country against those who want to slaughter us. The journalist’s words deserve all the condemnation.”

On Sunday, at the weekly cabinet meeting, Mr. Netanyahu added, “Yesterday I thought I did not hear correctly when I turned on the television. I heard an infuriating statement against IDF soldiers by a senior journalist, a news anchor. I would like to say that this statement is inappropriate and must be condemned – in a firm and comprehensive manner.”

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein added, “They send the children into the army and receive them even more moral, patriotic, and with improved values than before we sent them. This is the uniqueness of our army, and it has no parallel in any other army.”

Minister Naftali Bennet added, “Oshrat is confused. IDF soldiers are ‘moser nefesh’ so that she can sleep quietly at night. These human animals, [are] the terrorists who murder children in their beds, a young girl who hikes with or an entire family that travels on the road. IDF soldiers are our children and our power. You must apologize!” Bennet’s New Right party plans to turn to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to place Kotler on trial for violating Article 4 of the Defamation Law.

Parents of Nachal Chareidi soldiers responded as well, releasing the following statement. “This is a miserable and ugly statement that has no place in the Israeli discourse and certainly not by a news anchor who is supposed to present facts and not her distorted world view”.

MK (Shas) Yaakov Margi called on her to apologize as well, insisting her words are offensive to all IDF soldiers. His words were echoed by Bayit Yehudi party leader Rabbi Rafi Peretz, MK (Ichud Leumi) Betzalel Smotrich and others.

MK Michael Rosen of Meretz spoke out, however with a different message, preferring to attack the statement released by PM Netanyahu. “How small can one be with the prime minister attacking a journalist who simply speaks the truth. Serving in the territories destroys our children and bring them to extreme situations of abuse as in the Yehuda Battalion. First condemn this!

“Kotler speaks with rare courage – without flinching or blinking. The time has come for us to look with open eyes at the harsh reality of military control over millions of people, and the grave consequences for our children’s morality, as in the shocking case that took place in the Yehuda Battalion.”

The Second Authority ombudsman has received 1,400 complaints as of Sunday afternoon. According to a BeChadrei Chareidim report, the ombudsman has launched an official probe and called on Channel 13 to respond.

Channel 13 responded; “Oshrat Kotler is an opinionated journalist who expresses her views from time to time, as well as other journalists in the editorial board who hold other opinions. Oshrat expressed her personal opinion only.”

At the end of the program, Kotler clarified her words and said, “I want to emphasize that my children, and their friends have been combat soldiers in the territories for many years, including my friends. My criticism was directed only at those soldiers whose control over the Palestinians in the territories led them to harm innocent people. I will add that anyone who really listened to my words and did not rush to talk to me on the net at the beginning of the article understood that I am in favor of easing the punishment of the accused soldiers because we sent them to this impossible reality, she said. Good for you? I will continue to express my opinion on that plan. You will not succeed in silencing me!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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