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Opposition Leader Refuses to Meet With Carter

netanyahu_bibi.jpgIn what most perceive as a politically correct move, opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu announced he would not agree to meet with former US President Jimmy Carter, who has created a stir surrounding his decision to meet with Hamas Damascus-based Hamas politburo leader Khaled Meshal.

Carter’s mission does not enjoy the support of the White House or US State Department, but the pro-Arab statesman remains compelled to continue his efforts to promote the Arab agenda. Carter announced that he does not exactly understand why the storm surrounding his latest mission, explaining he has been meeting with Hamas leaders for years and this is nothing new.

Referring to Carter in comments to the media last week, Israel’s former Ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman called the former US president an “Anti-Semite, two-faced” and “anti-Israel”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. This whole idea about Israeli leaders not meeting Carter is so immature. These Israeli politicians are mush at the mercy of the Bush administration. They have no gall and never truly stand up for themselves. If they are not meeting with Carter, it’s because the Bush administration would prefer they don’t meet with him. If the Bush administration would request they kiss him on both cheeks, they would do that as well. It’s time for them to grow up and stand on principals, not on the Bush administrations whim.

  2. ah gedilah!

    When this guy was in office he didn’t even have the guts to stand up to clinton at Whye when clinton backed out of allowing Pollard free. It’s funny how all these politians get all philosophical and frum when they’re out of power but as soon as they’re sitting in the government they end up being the same.

  3. Who cares if Netanyahu snubbed the former president? That has no effect on reality. Mr. Carter met with Israeli President Shimon Peres, so I’m sure Mr. Carter was able to convey his thoughts to Mr. Peres, who, while holding a ceremonial position, is actually part of the current government, as opposed to Netanyahu, who is not.

    Very gutsy of Mr. Gillerman to use words like that, though Carter’s comparing Israel to Apartheid is, at least, a little bit over the top, if not an outright chutzpah and reversal of the truth, no matter what your opinion of Israel is, and certainly if you know the facts.

  4. It’s about time some of the politicians in Israel developed a backbone. Now maybe they’ll follow through and stop giving in to the terrorist demands during “negotiations.”

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