MK Asher Speaks Out on Behalf of Chareidi Schools

YW-BBMI-007.jpgDuring a visit by members of the Knesset Education Committee to mosdos in Yerushalayim, MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rabbi Yaakov Asher spoke out in defense of chareidi schools. Accompanying the committee members were Itamar Ben Ezer, who heads the Jerusalem Chareidi Education Division and Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Yitzchak Pindrus.

Asher explained to his colleagues why so many chareidi schools appear substandard. For one thing, “there are those who say ‘you opted not to send your children to public schools so that is your choice’ but in essence, the students in chareidi mosdos learn more hours than their counterparts in public schools.”

Asher stated the second reason is the natural growth rate in the chareidi community and the government’s failure to keep up with the population growth. He cited the critical land shortage resulting in severe overcrowding in chareidi schools. Asher told his colleagues that in many cases, the buildings housing chareidi schools are unsuitable, and when one adds the severe overcrowding the situation is an untenable one. He admits that some of the buildings pose health and safety issues for the students and staff.

“A chareidi female completing 12 years of study can hold her own against any other 12th grade student in any subject”, Asher added. “For some reason, they like to refer to the fact they do not earn a recognized diploma. This is simply a lie. We know what she knows. The name of the certificate differs, that’s all. One cannot punish a child just because his parents decided to raise him a certain way. Seeking to compel a change in the chinuch by holding back funding will not be successful” he concluded.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. He is naively arguing with bigots. The real objection to the hareidi schools is they are producing hareidi adults. The elite of Israel want schools to produce good zionists who believe that the medinah is min ha-shamayim, and that being in the IDF is more important that learning Torah or doing mitsvos. They object to concept of Torah education in general, not to specific curricular details.

    There were some people who thought they could explain to the Nazis that Jews were actually good people and were good for Germany. They proudly showed off their “Iron Crosses” and said they were very good Germas, so please stop persecuting us. We now see they were fools.

    The enemies of Torah are not motivated by concern over specific curricula (though many parents and rabbanim are, but that’s not the issue). The people R. Asher is addressing are motivated solely by hatred, and arguing them is futile.

  2. “A chareidi female completing 12 years of study can hold her own against any other 12th grade student in any subject”, Asher added. “For some reason, they like to refer to the fact they do not earn a recognized diploma. This is simply a lie. We know what she knows. The name of the certificate differs, that’s all'”

    Why does the Chareidy establishment not allow its girls to earn a recognized diploma? Is the Title BA, or MA a negative thing? If they earn the diploma let them have it!

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