Vaadas HaRabbonim Approves New Exchange for Kosher Cellcom Subscribers

Due to the large number of Cellcom subscribers using kosher phones, phone numbers with a prefix reserved for kosher phones have run out and the company had to make a new exchange prefix available. After receiving the approval of Vaadas HaRabbonim LeInyonei Tikshoret a new kosher prefix is set to open with the numbers beginning 052-71.

Since the special prefixes were introduced, each of the cellular companies has set aside a two-digit prefix capable of accommodating 100,000 subscribers. Now Cellcom, which has the largest number of kosher cell phone users, has become the first cellular provider exhaust its supply of kosher phone numbers.

Company executives, led by CEO Mr. Amos Shapira, Deputy Director of Marketing Mr. Adi Cohen, Director of Private Marketing Mr. Yoni Sabag and Chareidi Sector Marketing Manager R’ Yechezkel Chorzhavsky, appeared before Vaadas HaRabbonim LeInyonei Tikshoret at the home of one of its members, HaRav Yosef Binyomin Wosner.

Cellcom heads showed the rabbonim the precise sales figures of over 90,000 kosher phones (7,500 have been set aside for existing organizations and institutions to allow them to expand their phone use).

A comprehensive survey of the general communications market was also presented at the meeting, including figures on the impressive growth of kosher cell phone use, in contrast with third-generation devices, which pose grave spiritual dangers and have claimed many victims Rachmono litzlan.

Company executives expressed their appreciation to those involved in the effort to make kosher cell phones available, namely Vaadas HaRabbonim, which operates at the behest of maranan verabonon gedolei Yisroel shlita to seek communications solutions suited to the chareidi sector.

(Yechiel Sever for Dei’ah veDibur)

8 Responses

  1. #3: your question is like asking what’s the difference between a shechted cow and a non-shechted one? you gave the answer – “SMS/internet capabilities”

    And for all of you who have wondered, “What’s wrong with SMS – it’s only text with no pictures?” The answer is, that the networks send out mass SMSs which contain inappropriate messages and invitations to bad events.

    This should answer #1 and #2 as well.

    a kosher phone user in EY.

    PS- I have a “treif” one that I use for work, and believe me, I am well aware that I have the potential for Gantz Gehinom in my hand.

  2. Barriers never work. The world has a way of creeping in on us. I fear that some exceptional people, who cloister themselves in an ivory tower do not comprehend that the rest of us can never be insulated as they are. Rather, they seek to impose that insulation on us; which ultimately is an excercise in futility. The better model is to instill real values and teach moral fortitude an enable hoi poloi to deal with that which confronts them with dignity and grace, and reject that which is unworthy of consideration. Of course there are risks in this, but is really a choice?

  3. A mere barrier absent the education I describe, is like closing a hole in the dam with library paste; destined to ultimately colapse. Remmeber the Satmer Rav’s famous line: “Nach Williamsburg is shoin America.” and be prepared.

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