Bennett Backs Finance Minister Lapid

labeBayit Yehudi leader Minister Naftali Bennett has come to the rescue of Knesset ally Yesh Atid leader Finance Minister Yair Lapid. The latter is under attack for his harsh proposed state budget, which many including Histadrut national labor federation leader Ofir Eini feel will “destroy the working class families.”

Bennett backs Lapid in a Facebook posting in which he addresses the “leak in the Israeli money pipeline”, adding “we continue spending money that we do not have, month after month, until Lapid came along and placed a tourniquet on the line.”

“We all know this is the right thing to do. It is the only thing and the responsible response even if it is an unpopular one. It is very easy to stand by the sidelines and mumble, stutter or remain silent but we are in this kettle together. One cannot eliminate a 50 billion NIS deficit without painful decisions. This administration has four years and what needs to be corrected will be corrected.”

Bennett adds “we are the government and we must take responsibility” citing the need to back Lapid despite the harsh criticism against his budget proposals.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Bennet looks nutty with that small little excuse for a yarmulka. Be a true zionist, take it off already!

  2. We knew this was coming. I guess, when Bennett told the Charedi/Torah world that he won’t harm them, he was only joking.

  3. Yelling @ Lapid & Bennet is rediculous..
    1. Every penny anyone gets from the government they should say thank you for!!! its not their responsibility to support you. GET A JOB and Contribute… Anyone that doesnt work shouldnt get a penny!!!
    2. Pretend this was your house, and you had credit card debt would you be giving out $$$?
    3. People are kvetching baout the monthly child allowance – WHO asked you to have x kids– its your call – DONT have kids if you CANT afford kids!!!!!!!!!

  4. everyone is hurting, except the mks, how about a pay cut bennet and lapid, oh wait the economy is hurting but youre not part of the economy, oh i get it

  5. Number 4 RamatShilo – You are what is called an apikoirois The Torah says to have children the Rebono Shle Oilam gived parnosho we have to make hishtadlus, but EVERYTHING comes from above, the people who have large families they are bringing us close to the geulah.

  6. I am charedi and believe we need cuts in the budget. However
    no countries has vat on fruits and vegetables. This is unheard of. He raise the vat; I don’t like it but am not complain, he cut child allowance it hurts but will live with that punch. However in the whole package you will see things mainly to target the Charedi; example not given money for child care if you don’t work 50 hours a week. This is to insure it hurt the charedi; since even if the wife works 40 hours and must only work 30-35 the husband has to also work. This is to hurt if somebody is learning. This is not right.
    Also for the army where misrachi are learn and spending 16 months in the army he wants to change it so they spend 36 months in the army He is anti-torah. Hashem will help and he will fall

  7. MY point is NOT – NOT have kids but its NOT the gvmt responsibility to pay for your kids!!!
    if you want to KOL HAKAVOD but your kids are your headache .not the gvmt!!!
    they are entitled 1000% to make whatever rules they want…

  8. #4 is absolutely correct. I want #8 and #6 to actually reason why ramatshilo is incorrect in his reasoning. Stating that one shouldn’t have kids if they can’t afford it sound rather reasonable and responsible to me. Just as its irresponsible for a 16 year old to get married and have kids (before gaining some education and a source of income) so too families who can’t afford to have kids should certainly limit it. Over the course of the 2012 election many of us prided ourselves in supporting Romney. We chose to be more right wing because we don’t believe that government should raise taxes to support individuals and families who live beyond their means or don’t want to find work. #4 and I do admire families who choose to have a large family who have the maturity, financial ability, and devotion to raise the family in a proper way.

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