Following Tragedies, Bnei Brak Rabbonim Speak Out Against Crossing On Red Light

Bnei Brak (illustrative)

In response to too many recent tragedies in Bnei Brak involving pedestrians, rabbonim in the city are calling on the tzibur to adhere to traffic signals, as required by halacha.

HaGaon HaRav Chaim Meir Wosner, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein and HaGaon HaRav Shimon Ba’adani turn to the tzibur in a letter, calling on pedestrians not to cross streets if the light is red.

“Due to recent traffic accidents in a number of places throughout the city, traffic lights were installed to prevent the danger to the lives of the passengers, and a great regulation was done.

“But there are those who cross on red lights, and old or young standing by them also cross the street thinking that the traffic lights are green, and thereby endangering their lives and the lives of others, and the little ones learn to cross the street at a red light.

“And since we were warned in the holy Torah about ‘Veneshmartem Linafshoseichem’ it is incumbent upon each and every one to wait patiently, and cross the street only with a green light, and to know that great responsibility rests upon him.

“We also appeal to educators and parents to raise the danger of crossing the streets on the red light,” the rabbonim said.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. it is a very sad day when we need rabbis to tell us not to cross the street when we have a red light. next, they will have to tell us to cut down on the cholent and eat more spinach

  2. How about not voting in frumma politicians who align themselves with advocates who are pro gay, pro gay marriage,lgbtq and abortion

  3. The light is there for your safety not for decoration. If you are smarter than the world then cross the street at a red light and step in front of a car. When someone can’t follow small rules then he usually can’t follow bigger rules and this person should not be trusted. If you cross against the light, cut in front of others in line, drive faster than the speed limit, etc. then you are either endangering yourself or someone else. Obey the laws so that you and others may live to 120.

  4. T2T: What do the politics of gay marriage and abortion have to do with the increasing number of pedestrian injuries and fatalities??? These have been issues since the days of horse drawn wagons in the alte heim when there was no inyan of right turns on red lights, a major risk to pedestrians.

  5. Great ideas. We will be able to cut down on the cholent and eat more spinach, as well as rushing all over the place not mention not voting in frumma politicians who support toeva, if and only if we are still alive because we did not run across the street when there is a red light showing and get knocked down and killed. The Rabbonim Shlita are talking about a serious issue and all the first three commentators can do is make choizek. Typical YWN readers response to anything serious.

  6. Great ideas. We will be able to cut down on the cholent and eat more spinach, as well as rushing all over the place not to mention not voting in frumma politicians who support toeva, if and only if we are still alive because we did not run across the street when there is a red light showing and get knocked down and killed. The Rabbonim Shlita are talking about a serious issue and all the first three commentators can do is make choizek. Typical YWN readers response to anything serious.

  7. DrYidd: Nothing sad about this! Jewish people need to know that EVERYTHING is directed in the HOLY TORAH including looking after our health in everyday live.
    In fact my Mashgiach Reb Moishy Tukozinsky O”H told us this 35 years ago.

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