Peleg Supporters Face Off With City Bulldozer In Jerusalem’s N’vei Yaakov Neighborhood

Jerusalem Municipality inspectors arrived at the caravans used by the Peleg-affiliated Nefesh HaChaim School in the northern N’vei Yaakov neighborhood of the city. The area near the talmud torah was prepared and they placed caravans on them, which the city was going to remove.

An automated phone alert list was activated and the response on Monday, January 29th was immediate; as supporters of the school were outside, facing off with city bulldozers that arrived to clear the area.

Peleg Councilman Chaim Epstein tried to do what he could with Mayor Moshe Leon, but the real defiance to the bulldozer came from the men, women and children who responded to the call for immediate action.

The girls from the schools came out and began reciting Tehillim as the blocked the bulldozer. Police assigned to supervise the removal of the caravans were accompanied by dogs, which they apparently thought would deter the children, but this too was unsuccessful.

Before the situation turned ugly, agreement was reached between Peleg leaders and city officials and the large portion of the planned expulsion was avoided.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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