Rabbi Amsellem: They Did the Same to Yishai as they Did to Me

amsIn an interview with Arutz-7 Rabbi Chaim Amsellem attacked Shas and had harsh words for ousted party leader Eli Yishai. He explained that Yishai now realizes that “what he did to me can come happen to him as well”, referring of course to being pushed out of Shas.

Amsellem explained “Beis Rav Ovadia” makes these decisions, “his son, daughter-in-law and Rav Atias”, citing now Eli Yishai understands how it works. “Not just me but anyone who understands how it is handled and what takes place understands too.”

Amsellem explained he was thrown for going against the line of the rav’s son, stating the Sephardim are not natural partners with the Ashkenazi chareidim but have more in common with the religious Zionists. “They didn’t event permit me to state my case before Maran, but ousted me and not Yishai understands what it is like.”

“It would appear that despite it all, despite Yishai’s long standing position of power; there are powers that are stronger and even Eli Yishai finds himself outside like me.”

Regarding Aryeh Deri, Amsellem adds “It’s no secret. Deri is more the politician than Yishai and more aggressive. He left as Shas’ leader and returns as its leader…Regarding the future, Shas under Yishai was more right-wing and connected to the settlements; and now it will take a left turn. I believe as a result the Litvish Shas faction will strengthen as a result of the new leadership. Many [in Shas] will have to ask if their derech is the Litvish Shas way or the Zionist past following our Gedolim.”


Is Deri a magnet for votes?

R’ Amsellem:

He thinks he is. The force behind Shas is Rav Ovadia Yosef. As the party changes direction as we see. Rav Shalom Cohen and the members of his household have compelled this on Rav Ovadia.


If it was up to R’ Ovadia alone Deri would not be in charge?

R’ Amsellem:

For certain but Rav Ovadia is influenced by those around him.


Sarcastically – Will Yishai join Am Shalem?

R’ Amsellem:

I learned in politics never say never. In truth one can never know.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

24 Responses

  1. Yes indeed. What goes around, comes around.
    I just don’t understand, what is Amsellem’s beef with the “Litvisha”? What’s he talking about?

  2. Rabbi of Berlin – thank you!
    HaRav Amsalem is a huge Talmid Chacham and true Yareh Shamayim. You can read any of his sefarim to see that.
    You don’t have to agree with someone’s opinions, but since when does someone become a Rasha because of that? Better yet, so they slandered his name in the elections, perhaps he asked for it when he did what he did, but that doesn’t make it true! Be a true Jew, a leader, not a follower.
    Rav Amsalem’s “beef with the Litvisha” is as follows:
    People pretend that Sepharadim and Ashkenazim are the same Hashkafah-wise, but the only difference is the way the Pasken Halachah, daven and pronounce Hebrew.
    That’s not true! Sepharadim and their Gedolim have an entirely different Mehalach not just in Halachah, but in Hashkafah and Hanhagah, especially on key issues such as the State of Israel, working, learning, studying secular studies and many others. Rav Amsalem struggles with why the Sepharadi mainstream has succumbed to the Litvish mainstream. That’s at the crux of his entire world view and the basis of all his policies.

  3. rabbiofberlin; Would you not say that someone who goes against the wishes of their Rov and causes them great harm is a rasha?

  4. #3 of berlin: HaGaon HaRav Chacham Ovadia Yosef shlit”a called him that. I merely am repeating the Godol’s description of him.

  5. bogen: first of all- please supply the actual quotation-preferably with a video. I do not have to believe all that you say.
    Second- in response to “breslever”: I suggest you check the places of the “killing camps”‘ of europe (Auschwitz, Treblinka, Maidanek..etc..) to see the people “who did listen” to their rabbonim before the Holocaust and then speak to those “who did not listen” to their Rabbonim at the same time-and survived the Holocaust. No one is infallible in our religion and Rav Amsellem shelita did what he thougth was right. He is not obliged to listen slavishly to everything his Rov says- unless it was a Psak halocho and I do not think it was that.

  6. #4 “rabbi” yoni

    “yareh shamayim”??????????? WOW. exactly what planet are u living on??? This unbelievably holy and righteous “tzadik” tried to get more buses to run on shabbos, is openly pro-gay, and spends every minute of his miserable life trying to suck up to the chilonim. He openly rebelled against his Rav, and for this, hes a rasha…in every sense of the word!!

  7. TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Hagon Chacham Ovadia calls him a Rasha and a kofer batorah ON VIDEO: (See 1.40 mark) http://youtu.be/zLSdRan5O84

    And Yoni (minus the “Rabbi”), watch your step….you will soon be joining Lipman YMSVZ as the two graduates of Ner Yisroel who are now full fledged apikorsim.

  8. Take note everyone! “rabbiofberlin” demands a video. It is produced, and his response is pathetic, and name-calling.

    Amsallem is a kofer batorah, and a rasha.


  9. To Yeshiva Man and Ferd,

    You know, HaRav Tzvi Yehuda Kook zt”l used to say that no one is ever Mevazeh a Talmid Chacham or says Lashon Hara about Jews. They always say that the people they are speaking about are not Talmidei Chachamim or Jews!

    I ask you kindly to reconsider your posts, as I am mochel. I did not tell you who or what I aligned with, rather explained to the one who asked the ideology of Rav Amsalem, as well as stand up for his Kavod as a Rav and a Talmid Chacham.

    Why did I do so? It’s a simple Halachah. Maran writes in Yoreh Deah (Resh Mem Gimmel: Vav): It is a big Avon to disgrace Talmidei Chachamim or to hate them, and anyone who disgraces the Chachamim – does not have a Chelek in Olam Haba, and is included in the verse: “U’Dvar Hashem Biza”.

    The Leket HaKemach writes at the end of Yoreh Deah (at the end of Siman Shin Lamed Dalet): Included in the prohibition of disgracing Talmidei Chachamim is one who calls a Chacham without the proper title worthy of him, whether in front of him, or not.

    Rav Amsalem may be wrong or he may be right, what does it interest you? Did you take away his Semicha? Did you take away mine? All you have done is violate an Issur – one that is much more important that so many other Mitzvot. My only intention was to stand up for the Kavod of a Chacham who I don’t even know – but respect from a distance, because he is a Talmid Chacham.

    You think you’re a Kanai (a zealot) and that you have caught angels with your zealotry – instead, try being a zealot for the Shulchan Aruch, for Halachah, for all things true.

  10. Hey Yoni, nice try. You said “try being a zealot for the Shulchan Aruch, for Halachah”.

    There is no greater halacha genius alive today then Chacham Ovadia. He called Amsallem a rasha, and a kofer. I am doing the same, and in fact I am doing it in the name of shulchan aruch.

    Watch your slippery slope, Yoni.

    The Baltimore days are no longer.

  11. yoni….i never called you anything….i called amsallem a rasha and a kofer batorah (verbatim what YOUR posek called him).

  12. Ferd, et al.,
    You make it so much easier for people who are struggling to break free from yeshivishism or charedism to finally break free. If Judaism is represented by the likes of you, I certainly don’t want any part of it. Lucky for me, I’m strong enough to realize that you represent the cesspool of Judaism and not the beauty of Judaism.

  13. Why is anyone here wasting their time paying any attention to what Mister Amesellem is spewing? The loser was already routed out of the Kenneset. First his own Rov, Chacham Ovadia shlita, kicked him out of his party and then voters directly kicked him to the curb.

  14. truthsharer: I totally support what you are saying. What you are seeig now on this website is the truly ugly face of “chareidism”, a movement that is malevolent and the instrument of the “yetser horah”. Its intent is to “passel’ anyone who doesn’t agree with them.They will not succeed.

  15. Zalman,
    Just because you disagree with someone does not give you the right to disrespect them. You wouldn’t like it if someone called your rabbis, mister.

  16. ROB, how dare you level this abominable Zionist-invented canard against our gedolim?

    According to the Chazon Ish, one is an apikores for celebrating Yom HaAtza’ut and/or for blaming the gedolim for the Holocaust. ROB, it seems you qualify on both counts. Congratulations.

    Rav Hutner and others already wrote long ago that the Zionists invented this vicious libel about the gedolim (and rewrote history) to cover up their terrible actions and non-actions during the Holocaust.

    What breathtakingly spurious azus and lies the Zionists try to pass off on everyone.

    Incidentally, Netanyahu is now busy telling China how the Mir’s journey to Shanghai would not have been necessary had there been an IDF 70 years ago and that now Israel can defend itself. (Rav Shach already wrote that he’s wrong and that their kochi viOtzem yadi is disastrous CH”V for themselves; besides, Israel has suffered R”L many casualties due to their very ill-conceived founding of their State and wars with the Arabs).

  17. I asked many survivors. They all said it is a libelous lie.

    And Mr. Amsallem is no ones so-called “rabbi”. See what Chacham Ovadia has to say about this loser. (Video above.)

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