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YWN Eretz Yisrael Motzei Shabbos News Roundup – 4/12/08

yw_israel18.jpg(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel / 4:16AM IL)


*Two Qassam rockets landed near Sderot Cemetery on motzei Shabbos. No injuries.

*Air force fighter jets were scrambled to northern Israel on Shabbos after an unidentified small aircraft was detected. It was learned the plane was flown by a private Israeli pilot took off without properly identifying craft.

*Two Qassam rockets and seven mortar shells fired into southern Israel on Shabbos. No injuries.

*An Arab found carrying a large knife was taken into custody in the Azzoun area in Shomron. No injuries.

*An Israeli entered PA-controlled Qalandia on Saturday afternoon to have his car repaired. He was attacked with rocks and lightly injured. Qalandia is located north of Jerusalem and south of el-Bireh/Ramallah. Israelis are not permitted entry as per Israeli law.

*Arab motorist arrested at Birzeit Checkpoint in Ramallah area after two knives were discovered in his vehicle.

*Rock-throwing attacks against Jewish motorists reported in the area of the Arab village of Hizme, near the northern Jerusalem border. No injuries.

*Stabbing attack prevented. An Arab with a hunting knife was taken into custody at the Shuafat Checkpoint in the Jerusalem district. He told border police he was on his way to stab a Jew.

*Terrorists fired at soldiers in the Jenin area. No injuries.

*An Arab who was throwing rocks at Israeli vehicles was taken into custody near Marda, along the Trans-Samaria Highway in Shomron.

*Police and other emergency agencies responded to an explosion caused by a pipe bomb near a home in the Western Galil. No injuries. Police are investigating the motive behind the bomb attack.


*Opening ceremony of Jerusalem’s Bridge of Strings may be delayed after some engineers report it cannot support weight of tram light rail. Appears the structure was constructed incorrectly.

*Jerusalem welfare authorities repot over 7,800 teens are living on the streets, in shelters and city facilities. The report refers to teens from all walks of society; Arabs and Jews, secular, chareidi, dati leumi and others.

*Three children sustained light injuries when a stun grenade exploded in Afula. They were transported to Ha’emek Hospital. Police are investigating.

*The cabinet on Sunday is expected to do away with the Office of Strategic Affairs.

*FM Livni traveling to Doha, Qatar on Sunday to address democracy and free trade convention. She will be delivering the keynote address.

*PIF (Palestine Investment Fund) officials report they plan to construct 30,000 new homes in Yehuda, Shomron and Gaza towards easing PA housing shortage.

*Health officials planning to join government employee sanctions on Sunday.

*Gaza officials warn power plant will be out of fuel in two days.

*US presidential candidate Barack Obama launches a Hebrew blog in Israel.

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