Israel Health Ministry: Critical Shortage of Doctors by 2015

Health Ministry officials are concerned, realizing that if current realities continue, by 2015, there will be less than two physicians per 1,000 people as compared to today, with 3.5 physicians per 1,000.

Health Ministry Yaakov Benizri explains that his staff is working on a number of programs intended to encourage students to turn to medicine as a viable option for their future, stating the turn-around will take time but it is doable. Benizri added that young physicians must also be persuaded to enter into specialty fields towards reaching a high level of medical practice.

IDF medical officials mimic concerns, reporting a shortage of physicians today. Medical Corps senior commanders do report however the shortage does not impact combat units, where having a trauma-certified physician on board is critical, but the shortage in manpower is more evident in military clinics and base medical facilities.

Israel Medical Association officials explain that the minister’s plans are indeed commendable, but not sufficient to compel students to choose medicine for their future. Officials explain that poor salaries and working conditions are the main reasons students do not see medicine as a realistic field, or those who do eventually leave the country, setting their sights on North America of Europe. IMA officials explain that it is becoming increasingly difficult for a doctor to earn a living by working in a hospital without additional sources of income.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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