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Katsav Trial Likely to Take Years

Legal analysts predict the upcoming trial of Moshe Katsav will take at least 2-3 years, with time working in the former president’s favor.

As one expert put it, by the time the trial is over and Mr. Katsav is offered another plea bargain deal, the matter will be history, will not longer enjoy the public interest it does today, and no one will care regarding the outcome.

In the meantime, a member of Katsav’s legal team, attorney Avraham Lavi told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that the former president took a bold step and is acting in accordance with his conscience. Lavi explained that as a member of the legal team he has seen the documentation provided by the prosecution and police, and he is confident at the end of the day, Katsav will be found not guilty of the serious charges facing him.

When asked if the legal team is hoping for another plea bargain, a better deal down the road, he stated, “Hoping no, but if there is a deal we cannot refuse, that is another story.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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