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Kudos for State Comptroller Lindenstrauss

State Comptroller Justice Micha Lindenstrauss received a compliment from a most unexpected source, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who addressed a closed forum of over 500 employees of the state comptroller’s office.

Livni in her comments on Tuesday stated that Justice Lindenstrauss conducts his investigations in a profession, trustworthy and factual fashion, calling upon him and his staff to continue on the path of uncovering wrongdoing in government.

Livni, a close confidant of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was among the last from whom such praise is expected since Olmert and Lindenstrauss have exchanged harsh words on a number of occasions.

MK (NRP) Zevulun Orlev, who heads the Knesset State Control Committee, called on Lindenstrauss to continue his tenacious efforts to uncover corruption and wrongdoing in government.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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