Yair Lapid: I Will Not Make Knesset Budget Address

lapidIn his weekly email address to supporters, Finance Minister Yair Lapid explained that he will not give his planned in-depth address on the proposed budget in Knesset because he will be heckled and interrupted. Lapid states he requires 25 minutes to explain the complexities of the state budget, but he is away the chareidim will begin shouting and heckling him with the first sentence, so he has decided not to make the address.

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein responded, releasing a message that Lapid’s position shows contempt for the Knesset, calling upon him to retract his words. Edelstein added Lapid’s words belittle the Knesset and the various factions; he was elected by voters to do his job in Knesset, his workplace. “Those deciding to make their major addresses outside of Knesset will have to pass their laws outside Knesset” Edelstein added, stressing the significance of the Knesset discussing the budget.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. So, Mr. Lapid. You’re learning that working in the Knesset is not like your cushy job you had working in a comfortable TV studio. Like they say: if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen! You’re just an arrogant worthless piece of meat! You & Piron should step down!

  2. Journalists are used to saying whatever garbage they want and getting away without having to ever justify a word of it to the public – no wonder he can’t handle it now that someone finally has the right to hold him accountable!!

  3. Hey Lapid,

    If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen.

    Go back to your TV show. Less thinking to do / less pressure

  4. When did commentors on YWN become so socialist? I don’t admire everything Lapid says or believes but his comment regarding the fact that the parents should be mostly responsible for the financial well-being of their children, and if parents can’t afford to have 6 children, then they should not! It’s a very simple concept! However, you have to address that to everyone not just one group of people, such as Chareidim.

  5. #5 Either you have an agenda – too many Jews around – or your hopelessly foolish. Lapid is a Jew hater of enormous proportion, like his crazy father was. He’s has a vendetta against Chareidim because they forced his father out of politics. When his father’s party won, he was just as arrogant as the son is & hopefully יאיר will become חושך very soon.

  6. There is absolutely no reason for any MK not to be able to address an attentive Knesset audience. If you dont like the message, do NOT show up for the show!!!!
    Time is available to respond, yell, scream when the speaker is finished.

  7. In response to Jewishflorida, I am sorry to say that you are waht they call an ‘apikores’ since when can aperson decide how many children they should have, If a person is sick they can ask a shila from a copetent erliche rov, financial considerations are not even considered, interesting you Lapid and Bennent are one team

  8. jewishflorida, keep posting and including your thoughts since I will read them respectfully and not scream as if we are in the Knesset.

  9. In my previous comment I gave a fair assessment. I said I don’t admire everything Lapid says. I live in a neighborhood where many families have many children. The vast majority of them are able to support the family in a respectful way. I admire and support that very much. When one has multiple children and cannot support them, or raise them in a kavodik way, then they surely are irresponsible to have so many children. yeshivaman, neither you or I can decide how many children one can have, so don’t talk such nonsense. You don’t think financial considerations are considered in a marriage? Thats a big reason for divorce. Attend some more marriage shiurs my friend! So because I want to limit social welfare for all (that includes the non-religious) I face opposition. Sounds like the 2012 US elections to me.

    So for someone who lost a dear cousin from childbirth labor, because doctors suggested not to have any more children, I am sorry to see children and families struggle with more than they can handle.

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