Sunday News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

ywnisrael.israelMotzei Shabbos:

A katyusha rocket was fired from Gaza, landing in an open area in the S’dot Dov Regional Council. No injuries.


Ichud Hatzalah reports it has treated 241 people during the night. Injuries resulted in falls. Most victims were treated for bruises, some passed out and there were also fractures.


The IDF Spokesman confirms terror targets in Gaza were targeted during the night by the IAF in response to rocket fire into southern Israel.


The sharav heat wave is expected to continue in the coming days. Many fires were reported over Shabbos as a result of the hot dry conditions.


30 persons were transported to Meron to Ziv Hospital in Tzfas during the night. Five were treated for ingesting a large quantity of alcohol in a very short period. The others were treated for bruises and fractures.


Galei Tzahal: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu calls upon his cabinet ministers not to speak with the media on the Syrian issue.


IDF: The Kerem Shalom and Erez Crossings have been temporarily closed due to security concerns following last night’s rocket fire.


Channel 2 reports over 100,000 people have already arrived in Meron. Officials believe 400,000 visitors will arrive by the end of Lag B’Omer.


9 UN vehicles in Armon HaNatziv parking lot in Jerusalem went up in smoke as a result of a nearby unattended Lag B’Omer bonfire.


10 firebombs were hurled at IDF soldiers operating near Tzurif, southwest of Beit Lechem during the night. The soldiers responded with gunfire. No injuries were reported.


Swastikas were painted on the Tzipori School on Bialik St in Bat Yam as well as on a shul at Simtot HaVeradim in the city. Police are investigating.


Three firebombs were hurled at an IDF position in Hebron during the night. No injuries.


Globes quoting rebel forces: IAF fighter jets seen over presidential palace and security installations. No official Israeli confirmation.


Ichud Hatzalah reports treating 356 victims in Meron since motzei Shabbos for bruises, injuries from falls, factures, dehydration and other injuries. Some required transport to a hospital.


Magen David Adom reports 285 people were treated in Meron, of which 23 required transport to Ziv Hospital in Tzfas.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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