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Udi Adam to Take Command of Nuclear Site in Dimona

In what most will perceive as yet another major surprise, retired IDF Major-General Udi Adam is being appointed the new general-manager of Israel’s nuclear facility in Dimona.

Adam was compelled to resign from the IDF as a result of his performance during the Second Lebanon War, serving as the IDF’s Northern District Commander. Adam did not leave quietly however, stating he was being made a scapegoat for the ill performance of then chief of staff, Dan Halutz, who too was eventually compelled to resign as the military’s supreme commander after it became apparent that he failed in his performance of his duties as IDF commander. Adam stated that Halutz was trying to cover up his incompetence by placing the blame for the IDF’s performance in the war on his command.

A number of retired major-generals were considered for the post, with Adam coming out ahead according to search committee officials. His appointment is expected to receive Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s approval next week.

Adam, 50, enlisted in the IDF in 1976, the son of deputy chief of staff, Yekutiel (Kuti) Adam, the highest ranking officer to fall in action in the First Lebanon War.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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