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Katsav Determined to Clear His Name

Former President Moshe Katsav on Tuesday stated, “They are scraping my body with steel combs….I can no longer endure the injustice and must clear my name,” as he announced he would not accept the plea-bargain agreement and would plead not guilty and stand trial.

Some analysts believe that the move was premeditated, a brilliant one perhaps, since State Attorney General Menachem Mazuz was compelled to defend the plea bargain agreement before the High Court of Justice, at which time he detailed the benefits of the agreement as well as stating the state’s case lacked the conclusive evidence to obtain a conviction on more serious charges.

Now the state will have some explaining to do when it produces a more serious indictment against the former president, telling the court that the former number one citizen should be sent to prison for his alleged actions.

Women’s rights organizations welcomed the move, pleased with the reality that Katsav will now stand trial and the “truth will be learned”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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