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Identities of Nachal Oz Victims Released

Killed in Wednesday’s terror attack at the Nachal Oz fuel depot were Oleg Lipson, 37, and Lev Cherniak, 53. The two were friends from Beersheva.

Oleg moved to Israel 17 years ago from Tashkent, where he studied medicine. In Israel he was not accepted to a medical program so he sought other means of earning a livelihood. He is survived by his wife Jeana and a son, Leon, 10.

When Lev’s wife Irna returned home late Wednesday night, after identifying her husband’s body in the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute, her closest friends were waiting for her.

In a bitter and broken voice she asked how she will muster the strength to tell her daughter that her father will no longer return home. Lev was planning a trip to Russia, to visit his mother.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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