PHOTOS: Boyan Yeshiva Bochur, 19, Tested On Entire Shas By Heart By The Rebbe

A 19-year-old bochur in Yeshivas Boyan in Modi’in Illit has learned all of Shas and Meforshim by heart, and he was tested by the Boyaner Rebbe Shlita upon completion. The Rebbe gave him a bottle of wine to mark the auspicious event and outstanding accomplishment.

The 19-year-old Bnei Brak resident toiled for a number of years learing Shas ‘B’iyun’ to reach this accomplishment.

As a child, he learned in Talmud Torah Machnovka Belz (מכנובקה בעלזא) and already at this young age, rabbonim became keenly aware of his unique abilities. In yeshiva ketana, and now in yeshiva gedola, he continues on his path in Mosdos Boyan in Modi’in Illit. The young talmid’s father runs a Seforim store in the city.

When the rebbe was informed of the remarkable young chossid and his determination to memorize all of Shas, he arranged for him to come to meet with him, asking questions to determine the breadth of his knowledge, giving him a bracha and the wine, which was set aside for the special event, which took place on Sunday.

The actual siyum was held in the yeshiva, in the presence of talmidim and rabbonim, with a special seudas mitzvah and musical accompaniment planned.

The event began in the Beis Medrash where the Siyum was held, followed by spontaneous singing and dancing led by the Rosh Yeshiva Shlita and his Rebbeim. Rabbi Nachman Fishman gave a shiur urging the Talmidim to take chizuk from the great zchus and accomplishment they had just witnessed.

After maariv the Mesiba continued with a seudah in the dining hall, where the Rav of the Boyaner Kehilla in Modiin Illit – Rav Yecheskel Derbaremdiger Shlita, and the Mashgiach – Rabbi Pinchas Shuvaks Shlita spoke.

An emotional moment took place when the Mesayem and the participants drank L’chaim from a bottle of wine he received from the Rebbe Shlita. The Rebbe had farhered him earlier at length, and impressed with his command of the Gemara with many of the Meforshim, he presented him with the bottle in appreciation.

The Mesayem gave a drasha and broke into a rikkud with his proud father – a member of the Kehilla in Bnei Brak.

The mesiba concluded with the participants dancing lichvod Hatorah and the simcha shel mitzvah. In honor of the occasion the yeshiva campus was decorated with special lighting and signs.

Finally, as it was “nittel night”, a special lecture was given by a prominent neuroscientist Rabbi Yisroel Enden, who presented the boys with various tools and techniques for improving memory using special exercises.

The elders in the chassidus explain that during 70 years of Yeshivas Ruzhin, with Boyan being the continuation, there has not been a bochur who completed Shas B’iyun at such a young age.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

34 Responses

  1. What a lovely piece of news!

    There is so much bad stuff happening and being reported. How refreshing then to have this to read.

    Thank you for reporting it!

  2. laughing, did you miss the part where there will be a siyum with talmidim and Rabbonim attending and a seudah with music or does that not count and you were you expecting he should be given a gold watch or something expensive?

    The Chassidus is not required to give him anything in any case. They are expressing their excitement and simcha of his learning and that is beautiful. And I’m sure he didn’t learn be because he was expecting an expensive personal present…

  3. Maybe if all of you guys who spend your time discussing if he should or shouldn’t receive a bottle of wine, would instead use your time for learning, you would also have great accomplishments in learning to call your own. I’m sure this fellow isn’t part of the Yeshiva World CR.

  4. i would suggest someone start a go fund me page for this bachur
    i don’t know his parents finances thou i am sure in would be nice if they bought him a dira to live in after he marry s,not degrading getting a bottle of wine but an apartment would really be nice
    and show the chasuvas of this great accomplishment its a million times more than a noble prize !

  5. I would love to have him as my son in law but I have no daughter for him.
    Mazel Tov to his parents and family to be zoyche to have raised such a talmid chuchem. May hashem give him the energy to be mesyem Araba chelky shilchin urech.
    אתה בחרתנו מכל העמים

  6. I find it amazing that anyone could commit so much of shaas to memory. Everty time I read such a stoy I am blown away by the talent and memory of such incredible young talmidim, Kol hakovod to the bochur and his family.

  7. It is lovely to hear such news! Shame we do not know the name of the bochur. This is an example of where there should be banners showing and inspiring today’s youth what can be achieved. May he continue to sharing away

  8. 2 Questions:
    1) Will he be guest of honor at forthcoming Siyum haShas here in New Jersey? or at Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin building venue?
    2) Please let me know when? he shall be Mesayem Yerushlami Ba’al Peh, so that I can plan on flying into attend that Siyum.

  9. The problem is, if it turns out that he does not have the qualification to be a good Magid Shiur, he will become depressed. He can’t go to work because, how could a ielui go to work, so, what should he do all day? Learn? He’ll lose interest very fast, just like those Peleg guys running away from the Gemoroh to sit in front of buses.

  10. gadol Hadorah, no matter what kishronos he may possess, an accomplishment like this can’t happen without spending very very significant amounts of time learning. and 147, I agree that he should be honored by the next siyum hashas. would make a lot more sense than the plan to honor money again like is done by every other event.

  11. Yes, mazeltov!!! Yes, an amazing kiddush Hashem in klal Yisroel! Yes, it is a supremely rare and blessed achievement, and may he go machayil el chayil.
    But, mainly, vehaikar: he had better be nice to his wife!

  12. Dear mo613
    He is going to get his appartment in any case (bli saychus to his current accomplishement), just as all the Israelis get, as this is the “style” in Israel that the parents rip out their blood and neshama for down payments for their newlywed children. And guess what? You might be part of the sponsors towards that down payment……………… unless you never give tzedaka to Israelis collecting in the USA.

    And dear ader
    For some reason I haven’t seen Rav Chaim Kanievsky “losing interest”, so think what you say BEFORE you say it, not after.

  13. I think I’m going to become a Boyaner Chosid. I hear that in the yeshiva the bochurim aren’t allowed to have cell phones. The rebbe guides the chasidus in a very strict ruchnius standard. I wish I could send my children also to learn in that holy yeshiva.

  14. I hear that the bochur`s name is Benzion Brandwein. A family of generations of Boyaner Chasidim. They are Stretiner einiklech. Hashem should help him grow up to be areal גדול בתורה, and he should be a pride for the chasidus.

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