VIDEO: 23 Police Officers Injured During Eviction at Site of Amona


Hundreds of youths gathered in two caravans which were set into place by the council about three weeks ago on the site of Amona, near Ofra in Shomron. Two families were living there, and on Tuesday, a judge set a 48-hour deadline for them to vacate, prompting the youths to come in a showing of support and to make evicting them more difficult.

According to a community spokesman, eight youths were injured by stones hurled at them by security forces and two persons were arrested.

Police estimate there were 300 youths in and around the caravans. Police add they were attacked with rocks and had to contend with burning tires set in their path along with a great deal of violence and the pouring of oil on the roads in the area. Police used “appropriate means” to evict the youths a spokesman reported. Police state that despite rumors to the contrary, rubber bullets were not used at any time. A police spokesman reports 23 policepersons were injured and transported to a hospital.

There are reports that police used pepper spray and stun grenades against the youths as they worked to evict them from the area.

Honenu released a statement that it is defending five persons who were arrested, adding they received reports that police acted with unjustifiable brutality towards the youths.

The community of Amona was removed in line with a ruling of the High Court of Justice. The eviction was completed in February 2017 and the residents over a year later began making their way to the new community established for them, Amichai.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Media Resource Group)

8 Responses

  1. Throwing rocks at police officers? Isn’t that endangering life? And only five people arrested in what was obviously a mob action?

    How can we expect other people to respect our police when we don’t respect them ourselves? Is being “youth” an excuse for endangering the life and limb of the people who protect us?

    Let’s see some of these “youth” sit in jail awhile, and maybe our police won’t have to deal with dangers not just from our opponents but also from our own.

  2. Oh, BTW, the article talks about “police” throwing rocks at the “youth.” I think someone missed on the copy editing there.

  3. They attack the police officers and then complain they used excess force? Should they give out blue and white lollipops??

  4. People, you do not live in Israel and do not understand the situation here… The policemen initially used very extreme violence on these boys… They injected pepper gas into buildings, fired rubber bullets, threw tear gas canisters and stun grenades. The policemen themselves threw stones(!)…
    I would not be surprised if I found out that many policemen there were not Jews at all (As was at Amona 2006).
    And all of this when Bibi of course refuses to evacuate Khan al-Ahmar, but runs to evacuate two trailers in Amona … Bibi the hero ….

  5. Guys, those who do the Chlul HaShem, it is those who destroy the Holy Land, not those who oppose the destruction of buildings on the area bought with full money, at 6,500,000 million shekels. Welcome to the Chilloni dictatorship in Erets Israel.

  6. At Amona in 2006 the young defenders threw rocks only in self-defense and defense of others, after the police started viciously beating people with no justification. I’d be surprised if this wasn’t the case this time as well.

  7. Kudos to Kob! Couldn’t have stated it better myself. Chiloni dictatorship in Eretz Yisrael.
    But it’s not only regarding soil-related matters. It’s about everything Jewish. Drafting yeshiva bochurim, autopsies, shopping malls and grocery stores opening on Shabbos, the general moral breakdown in secular society (e.g., LGBTs in the IDF and elsewhere).
    So, just as YWN reported this incident without rancor, emotion, or taking sides in this dispute, so too reports about Chareidi demonstrations ought to be objective, without injecting mods’/site owners’ personal attitudes into the reporting.
    Similarly, commenters who regularly lambast the Chareidi protests but are silent about this — in the interests of intellectual honesty, either you should be condemning ALL violence against law enforcement personnel — or admit that you harbor deep-seated disdain for the Chareidi tzibur.

  8. Midwest2 : I love easy chair critics like you who have no idea what actually happened, but have an opinion based on feelings of support for Israeli police. You flippantly suggest putting youth in prison whom you don’t know, nor do you know what and if they did; all your info from a lying police spokesman. Your support for the police against citizens of Israel is misplaced and wrong.

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