SHOCK FOOTAGE: Child Sits On Roof Ledge Of FIVE STORY BUILDING To Watch Yerushalayim Hafganah

As the Hafganah to prevent authorities from performing an autopsy was underway in Yerushalayim on Wednesday afternoon, the attached shocking video was recorded.

Viewers will see a young child watching the action below from a rooftop near Bar Illan and Tzefania Street. But the child wasn’t just “watching”. He was sitting on the ledge of the 5 story building, with his feet dangling over the sides – as if he was sitting on a chair in his house. At least three or four people are seen standing behind him.

At one point people begin screaming at the child.

“Mishigeneh oif toit!”, one man can be heard screaming.

The child nonchalantly waves to the crowd below in a heartstopping scene.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. When an impressionable child lives among meshugoyim, you can’t expect much better from him.
    He looks at the crazies who sit on highways in front of moving busses, so he figures what’s wrong with sitting on a rooftop ledge. Why is this so mind boggling?

  2. seems appropriate for a group protesting to oppose the police who are interested in preventing remotely possible murder of children, An open sign from God for all to see; you don’t have to be a mekubel to comprehend an offene siman

  3. Dr Yidd, leave it alone. it’s enough already. you are in love with the police. We get it. The rest of us identify with the Torah.

  4. Almost 100% of the time there is a protest AGAINST and autopsy – there really isn’t a reason to do one

    (I don’t know what goes on in the USA… I live in Yerushalaim B”H)

  5. Young child?! Um no. He looks fully grown, he appears to be 15-16 years of age, but can be 21 years of age for all you know…

    I mean it’s crazy but he’s not a child.

  6. Re: Identify with the Torah…

    The Torah has been dragged into streets a lot and degraded rachmana litzlan.instead of being in the Beit Hamidrash..

  7. And the torah instructs you to do insanely retarted behavior that we see in this video, right trying to stay calm?
    Stop worshiping avoda zara and learn some real Torah for once in your life

  8. This article needs another one to clarify a few things.
    1- is there any serious connection between the hafganah and the boy sitting there other than him getting attention to himself
    2- is the boy generally normal and is he being looked after.
    3- should a roof be locked especially if it’s known that someone crazy lives there.
    4- most importantly is he safe now

  9. itryingtostaycalm, try harder. without the police/government chazal warned us what would happen. when people, using the word loosely, don’t acknowledge the police/government you see what that entails.

  10. Another sensationalist headline.
    Nothing shocking. Sometimes the kedusha in ir hakodesh makes ppl feel invincible …. You cant sit in Flatbush or lakewood or wherever and think you can understand it. And the hafganos r about smthing important. If for example pomegranite closed there would also b hafganos in Brooklyn

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