Non-Frum Vow to Break Chareidi Boycott

ampm.jpgCalling for the continued operation of the AM:PM convenience store chain on Shabbos, non-frum activists are calling for a concerted efforts towards breaking the chareidi boycott against Shefa Shuk.

Activists are planning to make an effort to do their holiday shopping in Shefa Shuk and other stores being boycotted by the Shabbos-observant community, to show they too have considerable buying power – determined to show Blue Square Co-Op, Shefa Shuk, AM:PM and others that the chareidi rabbis cannot “bully” anyone into following a lifestyle they do not care to subscribe to.

Some of the activists had harsh words for religious politicians who are now working to convene a special Knesset session, intending to pass legislation that will circumvent the recent Jerusalem Municipal Court ruling, permitting the sale of chametz in Yerushalayim this Pesach.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. Why do you get to decide who is frum and who isnt? Just call them non sabbbath observant dont call them not frum. Im sure they do things that are a lot “frumer” than you and they dont go around referring to you as not frum.

  2. TO BERG1119,


  3. Boycotts work real well. When there was a boycott out on ElAl, ElAl laughed at it. One month later ElAl came crawling to the Rabonim saying they would sign papers that they wouldn’t fly on Shabbos.

  4. Boycotting is not the way to be Mekarev people. Showing them love and respect is the right way to go. When will we ever learn. Live and let live! The Torah says, “V’chai Bahem”. If someone has an issue with someone elses lifestyle, love them, and maybe they will change. DO NOT FORCE YOUR WAY OF LIFE ONTO OTHERS!

  5. Proudjew

    Shabbos observance is primarly halachicly in defining if a person is a Mumer. So yes they are non frum vs. Anyone who speaks Loshon Harah or breaks windows etc. Your revisionism based on a socalled liberal agenda is perverse

  6. proudjew – Chazal tell us that one who desecrates shabbos is compared to one who denies the entire Torah. So yes, the writer is more than correct in calling them non frum. Shmiras Shabbos is the bedrock for being a frum person.

    But it was just semantics anyway, wasn’t it?

  7. boycotts will NEVR bring someone closer to yiddishkeit. Hopefully that is the ultimate goal. Other than that who cares if it’s open on shabbos.

    IT ISN’T A RELIGIOUS COUNTRY. We may not have one until moshiach comes. Letthem do as they please and we should be mekarev our fellow yidden that aren’t frum (yet)

  8. The story as a whole isn’t amusing, but it is amusing if they think they can make up the losses of Shefa Shuk should the chareidi sector stop purchasing there. B”H the loss of business from the chareidi tzibbur with their many kids will be very hard to make up, especially by these types who are probably small family people. Shefa shuk doesn’t carry dog food for their pets either…

  9. The Bible tells us that boycotts are not the way to go. “Lo bechayil v’lo bekoach; ki im b’ruchi neum Hashem Tzva-ot” History makes it abuntantly clear that religious coercion never works in the long term. We once forced the entire Idumean people to convert to Judaism, the result was King Herod. Besdies if all the chareidim bring to this dispute is economics, then don’t be non-plussed if Shefa Shuk makes a simple business calculationl which might be to tell the chareidim that it’s not worth it to them to lose the weekend business even if they lose the chareidi business. Or they might decide to close those stores patronized by chareidim and to leave open those that are in chiloni neighborhoods. After all it’s only about business.

  10. We’re trying to convert them? These people are already jewish. If we can give our business to someone who is shomer shabbos, it is definetly preferable. If they become shomer shabbos, they’re counted in.

  11. to #1 proud jew….kol hamchallel shabos hraei kofer b’col hatorah kilo” is a halocho in the gemmorah without any machlokos. and the lable “not frum” is very very mild. so with what prat can you give that you compare their “frum” to our not “frum”? No. can rest assured one who is mechallel shabbos is probebly oiver kol hatorah let us hear our not frum you are worried about (compared to the machallel shabos frum) lets say one tells lies here and there, yes, there is no excuse or etc, etc, but please do not compare to mechallel shabbos ,oived avodeh zoro,

  12. to #6 yossie,#10 berg1119,#12 cantor esg…you all seem to be ignorant of halacha..when dealing with a yochid you can say this is not the way…but dealing with mechallel shabbos b’ferhesia one has to be moiche see gemmorah mesechtes shabbos also mr cantor esg…what is this “bible” your talking about we have torah that includes 2 parts “torah shbeksav and torah s’bal beh one and indivisable, so if as it seems you arent aquainted with s’bal peh as you bring proof(which is no proof) from the “bible” .first there is a big klall “kol yisroel areivm zeh, l’zah” with is the litteral interpertation of “religious coersion” (only to fellow jews), so mr yissi (# 6) this “live and let live” that you mention is not oisgehalten and to #10 mr berg1119 this “live as theyplease is also not oisgehaltn al pi halaha so to sum up mrcantor esg.we dont pasken from “bible”we pasken from the torah which is (see bove) v’hamaskil yovin…

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