Gaydamak and Pensioners MKs Preparing to Join Forces

As reported earlier by YWN, three members of the Pensioners Party and billionaire Arkadi Gaydamak my join forces.

Gaydamak hopes to enlist new members for his Social Justice Party well ahead of the national elections, planning to establish his new political entity in the coming weeks and months.

MKs Moshe Sharoni, Elchanan Glazer and Sarah Marom Shalev are about to make their move, seeing an increasingly prominent political future in their new home.

Gaydamak, who has used his wealth to assist many, including Sderot residents, Gush Katif refugees, poor Jerusalemites and others, is a controversial figure and poses an electoral threat to the current political makeup. He may also throw his hat into the Jerusalem mayoral race.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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