New Poll Puts Bennett and Shaked in Good Position For Knesset Elections

New election polls conducted on Sunday, the day after Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked’s dramatic announcement place the duo in good standing in the coming elections garnering between 10-14 seats in the Knesset depending on which poll you follow. Judging by the lowest poll giving The New Right party only 10 seats, this would still be an increase of 2 over the current number of seats held by the Bayit Yehudi party from the previous election.

Polls also showed that the Bayit Yehudi party under new leadership without its most famous and most well liked party members, would have a hard time gaining more than four seats if they even pass the election threshold.

One poll which was conducted by Direct Polls that gauged 628 people showed that the two parties hardest hit by the new party were the Jewish Home and the  Likud.

According to the poll, which appeared in Makor Rishon, the Bayit Yehudi party would make it to five seats, while the Likud would drop to 25 seats. The New Right party would garner 14 seats making it the second largest party on the right and the third largest in the Knesset in the next election.

The other parties would receive the following number of mandates according to the poll.

Shas would get 5, United Torah Judaism would get 7, Yisrael Beiteinu would get 5, Kulanu would barely pass the threshold with four, Hosen L’Yisrael under the leadership of Benny  Gantz would receive 15 and become the head of the opposition unless they joined the government, Yesh Atid would only receive 10 seats. The Zionist Union would receive 9 and Meretz would receive 5. Orly Levi Abekasis’ party would receive 4 seats and the United Arab List would receive 12.

Parties that wouldn’t pass the election threshold include Moshe Ya’alon’s party, Eli  Yishai’s Party, the Right-wing party of Zehut, and others.

According to the Poll conducted by Panel Politics and published on the Walla news site the layout of the next Knesset would look like this:

Likud 28, Yesh Atid 15, United Arab List 13, Gantz and Ya’alon if they join together 11, The New Right 10, Zionist Union 9, United Torah Judaism 7, Meretz 6, Kulanu 5, Yisrael Beiteinu, Orly Levy Abekasis, Shas and the Jewish Home (lead by Bezalel Smotritch) would all receive 4.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The whole reason why Bennett started his own party is so that he would have a better chance of becoming Prime Minister. But to become PM, your party needs the most seats. Even if Bennett’s party gets 15 seats, and after the elections joins with Bayit Yehudi’s 5 seats, that makes 20, which would be less than the Likud’s 25-30.

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