IDF Approves a New Nachal Chareidi Battalion

idffThe IDF last week approved the establishment of a new Nachal Chareidi (Netzach Yehuda/97th Regiment) regiment alongside the current one as part of the plan to accommodate a larger chareidi draft, Yediot Achronot reports. According to the report, over 5,000 chareidim has completed the process of the first draft notice on their way to entering the military. The military has not yet decided what brigade the new regiment will be assigned to, indicating it is not a given that it will be part of the Kfir Brigade like Netzach Yehuda.

The Share the Burden Committee headed by Science Minister (Yesh Atid) Yaakov Peri is expected to announce its recommendations in about six weeks, at which time a decision will be reached regarding sanctions. A decision has yet to be made if sanctions will be leveled a bnei yeshiva who does not comply with a draft notice or against his yeshiva or both.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. So in a few months we will know who is in control of the Torah world: Lapid or the Rabbanim. Will they have a handful of dropouts showing up who would have shown up anyways, or will the best and brightest, the future leaders of the Torah world, trade in their gemaras for rifles?

    Will the gedolim who have opposed conscription be discredited by the desertion of their talmidim? Will the hilonim who think they are in control and believe they are about to finally smash their age-old enemies realize they have shot themselves in the proverbial foot?

    Baruch ha-Shem, we have Brooklyn and Baltimore and Chicago — so we are certain that Torah will survive.

  2. #1 and we have havens of Torah in Kiryat Shemona, Kiryat Arba, Gush Etzion, Rechovot, Ir Haatika, Karnei Shomron, Golan, etc.—- so we are certain that Torah will survive.

  3. #5 — An analogy would be in America, if they destroyed all the major league baseball teams, and most of the AAA teams – baseball would survive, but the loss of the leading players would devaste the sport. If you prefer a secular education analogy,imagine the quality of education in New York City if you got rid of Columbia, NYU and the four year schools in CUNY — yes they would still have YU and Kingsborough Community College, but the lost would be devasting.

  4. #5- After all I have read from akuperma, I believe he would rather have Torah survive in Brooklyn. At least there one can find the REAL yirei shomayim.

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