Daughter of Rav Ovadia Z”TL Launches Election Campaign; Will Allow Stores To Open On Shabbos

Mrs. Adina Bar-Shalom with her father, Rav Ovadia Yosef Z"TL

Mrs. Adina Bar-Shalom, a daughter of HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L and founder of the “Achi Yisrael” party, is planning to be among the parties vying for seats in Knesset in the next national election, which appears will be in April 2019. While an official declaration has not yet been made, it is clear her intention is to enter the race.

To the public, it appears to be a religious party, headed by the eldest daughter of Maran Rav Ovadia, however, according to a Kikar Shabbos News report, the platform of the party is going to include approving public transportation and opening grocery stores on Shabbos.

This was first written in the platform of the party headed by Bar Shalom: “Shabbos is an important value for us, and we are working to regulate the public space in such a way that each and every one will be able to observe Shabbos as usual … Trade will not work on Shabbos and people will not be required to work in manufacturing, commerce and services.”

But when it comes to operating places of entertainment, gas stations and supermarkets, Bar Shalom’s party takes a clear stand in favor of opening them on Shabbos, albeit in a limited format: “Culture and leisure institutions will be open to the benefit of the public and their families”. The party platform states restaurants, gas stations, pharmacies and small grocery stores will be able to operate on a limited and partial basis on Shabbos, according to the needs of the community they serve.”

This is also true of the public transportation activity on Shabbos, which will be allowed according to Bar Shalom’s platform, “in a partial format, for the welfare of the residents and as necessary, with an emphasis on reaching vital places (hospitals, emergency centers, etc.).

It should be emphasized that in response to the Kikar Shabbos report, Adina Bar Shalom does not deny the positions written in her name: “My brother’s party supports the Gavison-Medan Covenant, which regulates the Israeli Shabbos and dramatically reduces the Chilul Shabbos in Israel, stated Bar Shalom.

“Unfortunately, the chareidi and religious parties, despite the fact that there were bills in the spirit of Gavison-Medan that could reduce Chilul Shabbos, chose to enact a ‘Supermarket Law‘ that led to the deepening and intensification of the secular religious divide in Israel, causing local authorities to open trade on Shabbos and above all, it turned Shabbos into business.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. I’ve read the article several times but still not sure I fully understand her platform regarding compulsory closings of certain business on Shabbos but allowing others to remain open. What I don’t see is an affirmative platform with incentives for businesses to stay closed and allow their workers to be shomer Shabbos. Also, would she retain the current “status quo” rules which apply differently between various municipalities?

  2. sounds like she inherited the Ovadia Yosef name but not the wisdom and knowledge of halacha….

    sounds like an early reform or conservative Jew to me…

  3. @gadolhatorah I have to say, normally i strongly disagree with your comments, however, I love the idea of giving incentives to businesses owners to keep their stores closed on shabbat…

    +10 points to you Mr. Gadol Hatorah!

  4. Pharmacies are already open on a limited basis on Shabbat because of pikuach nefesh. As there are many Arab pharmacists they may be the ones who work. Gas stations could also be involved in pikuach nefesh if someone is low on gas and needs to drive to a hospital. They could also use non-Jews.

  5. There are tons of vague statements in here with a source with no source other than another entity but nothing confirmed by herself. Seems like a juicy piece of motzi ShemRa.

  6. One of the issues with public transportation on Shabbos is that is has unfortuantly become a financial issue. Rich people in israel own cars and can just drive, however poorer ones who cannot afford a car have to take expensive taxis or are stuck at home (forcing people to be stuck at home while they are not Mechalel shabbos, does not create a postive atmosphere either and creats resentment toward religion and hashem not a Shomer shabbos person)

  7. I agree to some extent, and I am a chareidi and I value Shmiras Shabbos as much as the rest of you.

    That doesn’t mean that the STATE should be forcing it on people.

    This is a basic tenet of Moshe Feiglin’s ZEHUT party. More people will keep Shabbos, Pesach, etc., when you remove the STATE and return their ability to do it on their own.

    Isn’t that what Bechirah Chofshis is about?

  8. Joseph, why do you think she doesn’t have the support of any gedolim? Certainly not all poskim think that we should forbid public transportation, for example, on shabbos. Those who drive the buses, trains, etc, would certainly be mechalel shabbos anyway, and having public transportation will undoubtedly mean many fewer people will be mechalel shabbos themselves. If it can be done in an allowable way (non-Jews, grama, etc), it’s certainly something reasonable to consider. Poskim aren’t simplistic black-and-white people. They always consider the realistic, expected consequences of their halachic “policies”, and we rely every day on their deep understanding of halacha to understand when something is assur, when it is mutar, and when is lchatchila mutar in a bdi’eved situation. כל האומר על המותר אסור, סופו לומר על האסור מותר.

  9. Just like YAAKOV didn’t want to be associated to Mochlokes, as it doesn’t mention Yaakov part of Korach’s descendent. So too here. Adina bar Shalom is NOT part of her father’s heritage.

  10. R Yaakov galinsky among others said it very clearly.
    The Torah is not ours to compromise with.
    Yes. We can be nice to non religious people. But how dare anyone start saying we should allow some segment of חילול שבת because that will cut down on the overall amount of חילול שבת.
    It’s not our Torah to worry about in that fashion.
    Any sanctioning of public חילול שבת, של איסור is a complete חילול שם שמים

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