RECORD NUMBER: 124,450 Avreichim And Yeshiva Bochrim in Eretz Yisrael

There is a record-breaking number of Yeshiva Bochrim and Avreichim in Israel, a number that has not been reached since the establishment of the state in 1948. According to the Israel Democracy Institute, in 2017, there were 124,450 bochrim and avreichim sitting and learning in Yeshivos nationwide.

That figure, the IDI noted, includes both Israeli students and foreign nationals.

According to the 2018 IDI annual report, based on official data from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the government ministries, the IDF and the National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi), there was a sharp increase of 30.4 percent in the number of talmidim compared to 2014, just three years.

[READ MORE – Israel: Number of Chareidi Men in Workforce Plummets]

While part of the rise can be attributed to a larger number of students from abroad coming to study in Israel, even when non-citizens are removed from the calculation, the number of Israeli yeshiva students was 21.7% higher in 2017 as compared to the number in 2014.

The researchers behind the study, Dr. Gilad Malach and Dr. Lee Cahaner, said the surge was likely caused, at least in part, by the sudden decline in yeshiva attendance while Yesh Atid chief Yair Lapid served as Finance Minister (2013-2014), during which funding for yeshivas was cut.

In an interview with Yediot Ahronot, the researchers added that following Lapid’s departure and the establishment of a new governing coalition including the Charedi factions, funding increased for yeshivas – and the number of students expanded.

In 2013 there was a 12.5% decline in the number of talmidim, followed by another decline of 3.5% a year later. The following year, the trend reversed and there was a 19% jump back to the familiar numbers. Since then, the numbers have continued to rise, and in 2017 the record was set.

The data also indicate that concurrent with the large increase in the number of students in yeshivas and kollels, there is a slowdown in the number of Chareidim enrolling in academic programs in colleges and universities across Israel. The number has dropped by 200 students, from 9600 in 2016 to 9400 in 2017.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. So with 14 million Jews worldwide that puts about 1% learning Torah.
    80%+ are eating מאכלי אסורות and מחללי שבת
    Where does that leave us!!??

  2. The real future of EY. The populate and stay. The chilonim leave or don’t populate. We are winning the culture war, and the liberal judges in the court are doing everything to keep the status quo. The shas-degel coalition in Jerusalem should bring us together, for the geulah.

  3. So out of 6m people living in Israel they are harassing 2% of the population who don’t accept their world view? Thats obsessive and boils down to a witch hunt.
    It’s a foregone conclusion that Frum people in the army are being targeted and harassed by Frum and irreligious alike and will never be accepted as equals unless they capitulate and become like everyone else. That is religious coercion in the full sense of the world and everyone can see that.

  4. nuschus-Your logic is faulty. 2% may be the overall population but your numbers include females, elderly, children, etc. The numbers of 124k is nothing anything anyone imagined when they created the exemption. To call it religious coercion is ridiculous. The chilonim may not appreciate the value of Torah learning as you do and how it contributes to the defense of the country in a spiritual sense. That does not mean that crying victim will make them any more sympathetic to your cause.

  5. nuschus – The 125 thousand are only those currently learning (out of roughly 1 million charedim). To give you some perspective, the number of Israelis on active duty in the IDF is roughly 170 thousand. Something like 2/3 of those are men. So the number of charedi men of military age who are being exempted from service is now roughly equal to the number of Israeli men on active duty in the IDF.

  6. A little perspective here. The IDF has released data showing that last year about 58,000 yeshiva students received draft deferments. This includes avreichim older than 30 years old (after which age the IDF is not particularly interested in them).
    The huge number reported in this article (ken yirbu) most likely includes 13-16 year olds as well, known over here as “yeshiva ketana.” Students of this age do not require draft deferments. The figure also includes the foreign students who are not liable to the draft either.
    And to those who are quick to worry about filling the ranks of the standing army,
    let us not forget about the massive number of secular youth that are opting out of army service in recent years. The outgoing Chief of Staff of the IDF said in a public forum a few months ago, that only about 50% of draftable age youth are actually being inducted into the army. Very many secular kids are “evading” army service one way or another.

  7. 1, Since you do not know who I am, it will be difficult to find me to ask mechilah. But don’t worry, I forgive all insults from those who know nothing, but talk anyway, a group in which you are a proud member.

    You are correct however that they “hold up the world.”

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