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It Appears To Be Daily Tzoros For The New Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Express Train

It appears that there are many kinks to be ironed out regarding the new express train line from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, as there have been issues leading to halting service on numerous successive days, with the most recent being Sunday, 8 Teves.

Sunday’s issue was described as a “technical matter” that interrupted service, which is now free for riders as it is a trial period, leading to the cancelation of service during the morning hours.

Another outage was due to a “problematic signal”, and other issues include “electrical matters”. In some cases, service is halted temporarily while in others, the frequency of trains is reduced to accommodate repair issues.

Transportation Minister Chaim Katz told the public that his office will check as to why there are so many issues leading to halted service.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

    The line was built through Chillul Shabbos. It’s no surprise that it’s constantly having problems.

  2. “Transportation Minister Chaim Katz told the public that his office will check as to why there are so many issues leading to halted service.”

    Yisrael Katz is the Transportation Minister, not Chaim.

  3. Tell him that he doesn’t have to look far. Let them stop the Chilul Shabbos at the construction works and see whether that solves the problem.

  4. If it was built through chillul shabbos, then why isnt there a kol keoreh from rabbonim and poskim throughout the world not to use the train?

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