Yeshivas Knesset Yitzchak in Hadera Prohibits Participation in Peleg Protests Without Permission

Illustration only - a Peleg protest

Hundreds of talmidim in Yeshivas Knesset Yitzchak in Hadera were instructed to sign a document that they will not leave the yeshiva complex without permission from the rabbonim, with the document specifically mentioning protests against the arrests of talmidei yeshiva organized by Peleg Yerushalmi.

The rabbonim of the yeshiva explain that there are protests that are not the result of the rabbonim serving on the Peleg Moetzas calling for a protest, but at times, as was in Bnei Brak recently, askanim called for the protest, not rabbonim. The rabbonim point out that attending these protests, leaving early and returning late, have a profound negative impact on one’s limud.

Rosh Yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Yehoshua Ehrenberg decided all talmidim will sign on the declaration, declaring they will not leave yeshiva without permission from the rabbonim.

One talmid who was incarcerated for not reporting to the draft, refused to sign. As a result, he was suspended until he decides to sign, at which time he may return.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Let them protest all they want.
    Charter some planes with oodles of parachutes and drop them off in Iran or North Korea. Great place to protest.
    The only thing they like about Israel is the free money the get from the government. They hate what Israel stands for.

  2. I live in Jerusalem in a Haredi neighborhood, learn Torah 4-6 hours a day and ask all my shylah’s to Haredi rabbanim and I second the words expressed by CircleSteve. We have no more tolerance for people who only take and don’t give.
    The Torah teaches us to have hakaras ha Tov even to non Jewish governments for the good that they do for the Jewish community. The modern state of Israel has enabled more Torah learning than at any other time in Jewish history.
    The modern state of Israel protects these people from the overwhelming forces that surround us and seek our destruction. To wage war against them as if they are the enemy of Torah and the Jews and pretend they are the Greeks in the Chanakah story is such a total distortion of Truth ! Anyone who feels that way should not be leaching off the good graces of the Israeli government, they should leave or be forced to leave. The powers that be in both the Jewish and non-Jewish world are getting REALLY FED UP with the Haredi nourishkite that has replaced a true Torah hashkafa of receiving every man with a pleasant countenance.

  3. אמר רבי אלעזר אמר רבי חנינא תלמידי חכמים מרבים שלום בעולם שנאמר (ישעיהו נד, יג) וכל בניך למודי ה’ ורב שלום בניך אל תקרי בניך אלא בוניך (תהלים קיט, קסה) שלום רב לאוהבי תורתך ואין למו מכשול

    so since peleg does not produce any peace, rather discord, they are NOT studying Torah and their rabbis are rubbish!

  4. when the dati leumi tzibur was turning over the country before the girush from gush katif, i didnt see all these so called “charedi” media establishments and their readers so disturbed by the lack of orderness and the bad chinuch and the chillul hashem and the permanent midos damage etc. that the protests would cause, i saw those protests live, and they were no less violent than these ones.
    it is obvious that when ppl are protesting for what u believe in, “al kol peshaim techaseh ahava”
    its just that deep down it doesnt bother ppl like jeff stuart if they would draft the yeshiva boys, unfortunately these ppl call themselves (when it serves their purpose, of course) charedi, and go out and bash the charedi protesters from inside with all these narish baked up self righteous stupidities, which causes outsiders to say that the protesters are just “a small handfull of zealots”, when in fact they are the ones who are representing the mainstream charedi consensus about our attitude towards the draft since day 1

  5. Jew-haters! Torah Haters! Noone gives more than those who learn Torah!
    The IDF is completely powerless against Hamas and Hizbolla missile arsenal and it’s only in the merit of the 100’000 or more Torah students and the countless children in chadorim that the ANTI-Jewish State of Israel survives 1 day!!!

    Also who are the Hatzolo and Zaka members? The chareidim! Who gives millions to Tzedokoh? The chareidim!

    The IDF does not need nor do they want the chareidim – it’s just an excuse to secularis them.

    If that’s how you speak against Torah and Torah leaders don’t consider yourself Jewish!

  6. CircleSteve: do you recommend the same treatment for the huge number of secular, lefty youth who refuse to be inducted into the IDF, not because they’re learning Torah, but because they “object to the occupation,” or “the oppression of the Palestinian people?”

  7. @luckshun kugel
    what makes u say it is hapeleg sowing discord, in my opinion it is the ones who are being rodef the ppl from hapeleg and trying to draft them and deligitimize them who are the baalei machlokes

  8. It’s true that the IDF is not interested in trying to force masses of yeshiva students into its ranks. It’s also true that no one can be “forced” to be a soldier against his will. Everyone knows this. All they can do is imprison the refusers. The question is how many refusers can the army deal with? The Israeli supreme court is the body that somehow thinks it can coerce the govt. into “forcing” yeshiva students into the army (via quotas, incentives etc.). Perhaps the esteemed justices of the supreme court are dreaming of a left-wing prime minister somehow replacing Netanyahu in the next election; something most pundits consider highly unlikely, if not impossible.

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