Protest Planned In Tiveria After Chief Rabbi Harshly Insulted At City Council Meeting

Tensions are running high in the northern city of Tiveria between the chareidi tzibur and City Hall. Chareidi residents are planning a protest to defend the honor of Tiveria Chief Rabbi HaGaon Rav Moshe Tzvi Buchbut, who was insulted at the festive post-election meeting of the city council, during which ‘boos’ and foul language were directed at Rav Buchbut. Mayor Ron Kobi, following the council meeting, visited Rabbi Buchbut at home, arriving after midnight, and apologized personally for the insulting events. Rav Buchbut told the mayor he is moichel everyone involved.

It appears the harsh verbal insults directed at the rabbi were the backlash of a difficult election for the city’s chief rabbi, in which the secular residents backed Rabbi Shlomo Didi, who was not elected to the post.

On Wednesday morning, residents decided to organize a protest event to highlight the unacceptable events which occurred during a city council meeting, targeting the city’s chief rabbi no less. The event is set to take place on Wednesday evening at 7:30PM near the home of Rabbi Buchbut, who lives in proximity to Tiveria City Hall.

Mayor Kobi told Rav Buchbut, “Such events mustn’t occur. I will not permit this under any circumstance”.

The “Mikomi Tiveria” local newspaper on Wednesday writes, “No one will be absent. The protest in support of the Mora D’asra, HaGaon Rav Moshe Tzvi Buchbut Shlita, after we witnessed the insult of a talmid chacham, here, in the city of Tiveria. We are compelled to stand and protest these insults and incitement by unrestrained and uncultured people. We will all gather at 7:30PM.

Kikar Shabbos News spoke with one of the organizers of the protest, Shimon Cohen, who is quoted explaining that this event is intended for the chareidi and dati leumi tzibur to announce they “we hold our heads up high and continue. We have many struggles ahead, for example all the caravans of the community center were taken, and we will fight for this too”.

Cohen is quoted adding, “today’s protest will be near the rav’s home, near City Hall, where we will gather for a people’s protest and during the day, we will see who plans to come and who is not coming”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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