ALARMING: Surveys Show Worsening Anti-Semitism in Europe, Little Knowledge of Holocaust, Widespread Belief in Conspiracy Theories

The EU has voiced alarm after a survey showed nine of 10 European Jews believe anti-Semitism has worsened in the last five years.

The European Union’s Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) said 85% of Jews surveyed believe anti-Semitism is the main problem in their country and 38% have considered emigrating.

The survey found during a 12 month period more than a quarter of respondents experienced anti-Semitic harassment at least once and those who carry, wear or display items in public that could identify them as Jewish face an increased rate of harassment (37%) than those who don’t.

Meanwhile, a recent wide-ranging CNN survey found anti-Semitic stereotypes are alive and well in Europe, while the memory of the Holocaust is starting to fade.

More than a quarter of Europeans polled believe Jews have too much influence in business and finance. Nearly one in four said Jews have too much influence in conflict and wars across the world. One in five said they have too much influence in the media and the same number believe they have too much influence in politics.

Shockingly, A THIRD of Europeans in the poll said they knew just a little or nothing at all about the HOLOCAUST. 1 in 20 NEVER HEARD of the Holocaust, even though it’s less than 75 years since the end of World War II, and there are still tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors alive today.

Lack of Holocaust knowledge is particularly striking among young people in France: One out of five people there between the ages of 18 and 34 said they’d never heard of it.

In Austria — the country where Hitler Y”MS was born — 12% of young people said they had never heard of the Holocaust. Austria also had the highest number of people in the survey saying they knew “just a little” about the Holocaust. Four out of 10 Austrian adults said that.

Across Europe, half of respondents said they know “a fair amount” about the Holocaust, while only one out of five people said they know “a great deal.”

(Americans do not fare any better: A survey carried out on behalf of the Claims Conference earlier this year found that 10% of American adults were not sure they’d ever heard of the Holocaust, rising to one in five millennials. Half of all millennials could not name a single concentration camp, and 45% of all American adults failed to do so.)

“Whenever communities are set up one against the other, whenever identity politics comes into the game again, then the first victims are always the Jews,” European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans said.

“You need to know that anti-Semitism is like the canary in the coal mine,” he told a news conference.

Timmermans, a former Dutch foreign minister, said Europe had had many diseases in the 20th century but the only one that has “remained incurable is anti-Semitism”.

He said it was the duty of every European politician of every party to fight anti-Semitism, whether at the European, national or local level.

He called for better training for law enforcement officials and teachers, and urged member states to boost security to prevent the cost being “disproportionately on the shoulders” of the Jewish community.

The FRA study said 89% of respondents felt anti-Semitism had grown in their country in the last five years, with 90 per cent adding it is especially bad online.

Another 70% said they found anti-Semitism in the media and political discourse. Nearly 30% said they had been harassed.

Yet, 80% do not report serious incidents to the police or other authorities, many complaining it would be pointless.

The survey found that people are facing “so much anti-Semitic abuse that some of the incidents they experience appear trivial to them.”

The “normalisation” of anti-Semitism was evident because the range of perpetrators ranged from the entire “social and political spectrum”.

The FRA survey questioned 16,395 Jews in 12 EU member States: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The CNN survey was carried out by pollster ComRes, and interviewed more than 7,000 people across Europe, with more than 1,000 respondents each in Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland and Sweden.

10 Responses

  1. Your picture implies that the problem of anti-semitism in Europe is one of “Aryan” neo-nazis. In fact the problem is one of Semitic (with some Turks, Iranians and European converts mixed in) Muslims. In fact the “new right” in Europe appears to be less anti-Jewish the most other European, and more friendly to Israel. Those who routinely attack Jews are in fact left-wingers allied with the European left wing movements. In most countries, “Nazis” are reviled (remember, that the Nazis conquered most countries and did not do very well in the “winning hearts and minds” race) and supporting those who trashed your country is unpopular.

    The article’s focus is a classic example of fighting “the last war”. While it is politically incorrect to say so, our enemies are left-wingers in general, and Muslims in particular.

  2. I have to quote Reb Yechiel Yakov Weinberg ZT”L. “More than they us, we hate them”, he wrote in a very painstakingly written letter. The other day I overheard a conversation next to a Shul, when somebody wanted to say that a person was R”L stricken with cancer, but he didn’t want to say out that word, so instead, he described it as ‘Oif Alle Goyim Gezogt’. Now, was this really how we Yidden were meant to behave amongst our neighbors and fellow countrymen?

  3. ader, where can we see the letter where Rav Yecheil Yaakov Weinberg had written the line you claim he had. I don’t know who Rav Weinberg was but it would be interesting to see such a line from a Rav.

    I don’t know who said what in your shul, but tell me where Jews are obsessed with saying we should kill goyim, that goyim rule the world (which is true but yidden don’t talk about it), that we will put goyim in ovens, and other such violent talk. We don’t. Now go to right wing internet forums, go to left wing inyernet forums, go to the comment section on many videos on YouTube, read what they write about us on social media, what they’d like to do with us. Our people have gone through persecution like no other people, Jewish blood has been shed continously, and yet you dare keep pointing the finger at us because some Jew said something in shul. Shame on you.

  4. Philosopher
    Please search on YouTube, ‘rabbi malach RCCS’ , listen to the last 2 minutes. Please ask around who Reb YY Weinberg was. The letter is known to many.

  5. ader, individuals can say all kinds of things that have no shaichos to reality. The Satmer Rebbe says Israel is a product of the Satan. Most frum people don’t agree with this shittah.

    The bottom line is that no sane Jew would do anything bad to a non-Jew and we want peace for non-Jews except for those non-Jews who want to hurt us. Those few who say bad things should happen to goyim mean those goyim who hate us and there’s a big majority who not only hate us, but want to actually kill us off. There is no Jew, anywhere in the world, who wants to kill goyim for the fact that there are goyim. But there are millions of goyim who want to kill us because we are Jews!

  6. philosopher
    please listen to the applause that Rabbi Malach got at the RCCS.
    Please see Taamei Haminhagim page 493, why is it, that only a Goyishe sick patient are you allowed to call “Choileh” in Loshon Kodesh. Please read the stories with the Chasam Sofer, where the Segulah was, when there was sick Yiddishe child R”L, to go put your hand on a Non-Yiddishe kid’s head, and the Chasam Sofer was saying that the person putting his hand should not be Kohein. Did you learn Hilchos Pikuach Nefesh on Shabbos when it relates to Non-Yidden? We are not violent people, but when it comes to Caring and having SINCERE compassion for our fellow human-being, Oy Oy.
    Remember, that there is a creator of all Man-kind that pays close attention to all this.

  7. Akuperma’s comment is true, and that’s why it’s frustrating when so many Yiddlach, and particularly Jewish orgs like ADL, HIAS, AIPAC, AJC, basically are pro immigration without limits, or even vetting. They like to believe all Muslims entering are American or Jew friendly.
    Hail Progressivism..!! Jewish values, tikum olam, fairness… That’s what turns an average American with family & values off, and guess whom they blame? Some posters on this site don’t get it.

  8. ader, you have a real problem and are twisting what is written in our holy seforim. Negative things are written about women and yet women are highly regarded in Judaism. Are you saying that as a woman I’m supposed to feel degraded by Jews(ish men)?! Absolutely not! Judaism has given me the appreciation to be me! There’s also negative things written about men and about humankind in general. Stop being stupid. Everyone collectively and every individual has pros and cons, only God is all good and our Rabbis have no problem saying what they felt is the good and bad of humanity, races, and individuals. There’s plenty of negative things written about our own holy ancestors in the Torah! Only God is all good! Get that into your head!

    And you keep on writing what some Rabbis wrote and said the supposed negative things that is written in seforim, but what about the fact the religious Jews are only a minority of Jews worlwide?! Over 85% of Jews are irreligious and live like non-Jews with the same behavior and thought patterns as the societies they live in. So what about them?! Why are they hated?!

    Why are you licking the Nazis boots like the kapos did, making excuses for their viscious hatred ?! Shame, shame on you!

  9. ader, and if you think the Jewish religion has a few negative things to say about non-Jews look at the REAL hate in Christian and Muslim religious scriptures. Maybe we should hate them for their verses filled with hate?! But we don’t hate those who don’t hate us! Non-Jews have no right to hate Jews for the verses that are percieved as negative against non-Jews just as we have no right to hate goyim because of what was written by their ancestors. Goyim who hate Jews have no right to their evil intentions, goyim who murder Jews have no right to their actions, goyim who lie about us have no right to their hateful speech!

    Jews continously pray, every single day for peace within the world and between the nations! We are a peaceful nation and the only violence committed by Jews is self-defense against those who wish to destroy us, while the nations entire history is bloodshed and wars non-stop. I’m not saying all goyim are violent, there are wonderful people among them, but what is you obsession with us Jews as a people who supposedly deserve the hatred and violence against us?!

  10. We pray every single day “Sim Sholom for Yisroel Amecho”. We also say “Shlach refuah Shleima L’choilei Amecha”.
    If we were to become nice to the Nations, Hashem will reward us Midoh Keneged Midoh, and finally stop instigating all hate towards us.

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