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Cabinet Decision Yes – But Funding In Another Matter

The cabinet has recently announced a series of decisions, popular decisions that are supported by the majority of the country, decisions that even contribute to quality of life and improved security.

The government is calling for reissuing gas mask personal protect kits, completing the partition wall along the Green Line, the Iron Kipa anti-rocket Qassam rocket system, renewal of armor-plated buses servicing areas in Yehuda and Shomron, and the IDF Reserve Duty Law.

The problem, these decisions carry an impressive price tag and treasury officials report to date, none of the lawmakers have really cited a source of funding for the new legislation – explaining the Knesset continues to pass laws irresponsibly, without investigating how and from where the funding will be found.

One treasury official is quoted as saying, “we are accustomed to cabinet and Knesset decisions lacking any source of funding.” He explained it is comical actually, since the folks responsible for the nation’s budget are not consulted and laws are passed lacking financial backing.

Some numbers: reissuing personal gas mask kits, NIS 1 billion; completion of the partition fence, NIS 4 billion; Iron Kipa system, NIS 1.7 billion; armor-plated buses, NIS 100 million; and Reserve Duty Law, NIS 400 million.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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