LOOK: Dog-Owner Left Tefillin on Table – His Dog Did This to Them

A Sofer submitted these photos YWN on Monday.

A dog-owner left his Tefillin on his table, and his pet dog destroyed his Tefillin.

The Tefillin have to be placed in Shaimos, and another “Shel Rosh” has been ordered for the person.

23 Responses

  1. So Lassie “destroyed the “tefillin” and the “tefillin had to be place in shaimos” but only the shel rosh needed to be replaced? Did the dog hide the shel yad and the retsuot or is the dog-owner a one-armed yid?

  2. It’s forbidden to raise a dog in a home that humans reside or visit.
    Unfortunately, in his bidding to entice Frum Jews to emulate the goyim and try to live just like them in a ‘permitted’ way, it has become hip for young families to have a pet dog, so that they can act out their goyshe family fantasy lifestyle to a tee. It is a continuation of the the Chanuka disaster of being pulled in to the ‘Greek’ lifestyle where Ruchnious takes a back seat to sports, fashion, money, cars and good looks.
    How many of these dog owners would use every Heter they can dig up or make up to keep their family pat down to a convenient idylic size, but welcome an animal to the family and shower it with affection?
    Disclaimer: a dog for genuine handicap, psychological or security needs is of course allowed.

  3. This is news because it happened and it’s a reminder to everyone, especially if you have a dog, to watch where you put your tefilin. Thanks YWN.

  4. That’s terrible! We really aren’t supposed to have dogs as pets. Perhaps for security or as a guide dog we’re allowed, but just as a pet, I don’t think it is right.

  5. Sorry to burst your bubble but more tefillin are ruined from nice heimishe people keeping thier tephillin/talis bag in thier hot car throughout the summer months, then a dog attack .

  6. The MIR….You analyze too much…..how do you know that in the alte heim where yidden were farmers, the yinglach didn’t develop some sort of emotional linkage to farm animals as “pets” even though they were kept for sustenance. Please provide daf/amud citation where chazal bring down that it is assur to own a schnauzer.

  7. Baruch M, “Its assur to own a dog”.

    Since when?

    TheMir is more specific: “It’s forbidden to raise a dog in a home that humans reside or visit.”

    Again, since when? Where are people getting such nonsense? There is no issur in this whatsoever. It’s not my cup of tea, I’m more of a cat person, but if someone wants a dog why not?

    At least Basmelech1 is more circumspect, not claiming that it’s ossur, but merely that “We really aren’t supposed to […] I don’t think it is right”.

    If it doesn’t feel right to you don’t do it, but to other people it does feel right.

  8. The Mir and Baruch M hold by a hashkafah where when one is in doubt, “assur it”…especially if it has 4 legs and might eat items of kedushah. Just think of the tragedy if the owner of the shel rosh had left his streimlach on the table next to his teffilin. I’m assuming he was chassidish since such occurrences never happen in the Litvish velt.

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