Wife of Terror Victim Rabbi Raziel Shevach HY”D Chooses Life And Helping Others

It has been about ten months since the terror attack in Shomron that claimed the life of Rabbi Shevach Raziel HY”D, 35, a resident of Gilad Farm in Shomron, a father of six, a mohel and community activist. In fact, he was heading back home from checking a baby whose bris he performed, making sure all was well, when the fatal attack occurred. He was heading home to Gilad Farm to deliver a shiur when the fatal shots rang out from a passing vehicle.

His wife, Mrs. Yael Raziel, had to suddenly deal with a new reality, the painful reality faced by the surviving families of Palestinian terror attacks, a single parent, without the time to grieve, without the time to digest the painful events that would change her life and the lives of her children forever, having to become abba and ima in a single moment.

She continues meeting this challenge daily, but instead of becoming a victim, she prefers “revenge” as she sees it, training to become a certified Magen David Adom EMT, now following in the footsteps of her late husband, using her newfound koach to assist others. The following is a translation of a Facebook posting on Mrs. Yael Raziel’s Facebook page.

Almost a year ago, they drove me in a speeding ambulance to the hospital with lights and sirens wailing. It was just the second time I was on an ambulance heading to a hospital, and both of those times were not because of illness. The first time was a case of life, giving birth to my daughter Malka. The second time was a case of death, of my husband Raziel.

Last week it was the third time but this time, it came from another place. This time, I was there on my own free will, in uniform, as an EMT. This time, it came from somewhere else.

For the entire period of our lives here on a farm, inside this house, Raziel treated so many people, providing medical assistance to so many. While I was always a partner, helping wherever and whenever possible, after the murder, I decided to become active on my own in this area, and in my eyes, this is true revenge.

This is how I see the continuation of this home that we built together. Today, almost a year since that fatal trip, I am proud to say that I choose life! I choose to live! My husband, myself, my home and my family – and now, anyone who will require medical assistance. Thank you for the privilege of becoming a part of a meaningful life at any given moment.

Mrs. Raziel is an MDA certified EMT, working with MDA affiliate Hatzoloh Yosh (Yehuda & Shomron).

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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