THIRTY ARRESTED: Peleg Takes to the Streets Again, This Time in Yerushalayim [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

The automated phone calls have been inundating the tzibur on Wednesday, 20 Kislev, as the Peleg Yerushalmi promised to take to the streets again, promising a “stormy protest” beginning at 4:30PM at Sarei Yisrael Street in Yerushalayim.

Sure enough, at around 4:00PM the crowds began to gather, and traffic was brought to a halt. The Jerusalem Light Rail was blocked as well.

By 5:55PM, Police reported that 24 arrests had already been made.

Police in riot gear were brought in, as well as horses and trucks to spray “skunk water” at the protesters.

Peleg officials report claim that a “Bochur from Yeshivas Brisk, Yitzchak Aryeh, was arrested and Gedolei Yisrael Shlita have ordered to take to the streets today to protest”.

The Peleg says he was arrested during the night during a routine police check and has been handed over to military authorities.

The Peleg Vaad announces, “While those MKs who call themselves chareidi representatives legislating the laws of extermination and destruction of the Torah world, yeshiva students are groaning in their military prison, who are not willing to take part in the despicable trade of neshomos. The true soldier is one who safeguards the yeshivos with body and soul”.

Being a follower of the Peleg rabbonim, the bochur is AWOL for failing to report to a draft office and filing a request to receive a draft deferment to be permitted to continue with his limud Torah. Instead, the draft order was ignored, and he automatically became absent without official leave from the draft. He is now in the custody of the military police.

ALL VIDEOS & PHOTOS VIA מחאות החרדים הקיצוניים

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

33 Responses

  1. May the punishments for stopping people from getting to or from work, to or from doctors, to or from simchos, etc., be multiplied on these baalei aveiroh and their leaders who make bizyonos from their supposed dedication to Torah learning.

    I want the media to post all identifying information of the arrests, and i want this to be gathered in a database that is available for all of us who have daughters. I would reject hearing of a shidduch proposed for any of these baalei aveiroh.

  2. I’m glad these guys have so much time on their hands. I have to make early minyan, go to work, attend a shiur, and take care of the kids. Must be nice to spend a few minutes in the Beis Medrash each day, playing these nightly Shenanigans, followed by a late night shawarma in town.

  3. the little I know – However you feel, it is not right to wish punishments on your fellow brothers. Can you really say that your wish for punishment is coming from a good place?

  4. The Little I Know- no worries, none of these bochrim would consider a shidduch with your daughters. Not trying to be antagonistic, just honest…….

  5. These people are a STAGE 4 CANCER to Israel and must be removed.
    Send them to Gaza, Iran, or Syria. Let them try to play their games there. They won’t have to worry about the draft law for more than 3 minutes.

  6. This is sickening and humiliating to real Jews who love and honor the Torah of our G-d. Everyone of these idiots out there blocking traffic and protesting against serving in the IDF are NOT JEWS. They are JINOs [Jews In Name Only]. They boast of how they must study Torah. They do not even know the Torah of our G-d. Numbers 1: 2-3…. “Take a census of the entire assembly of the people of Isra’el, by clans and families. Record the names of all the men twenty years old and over who are subject to military service in Isra’el. You and Aharon are to enumerate them company by company.” If they studied Torah they would know that G-d commanded every male 20 yrs and older to fulfill their military service in Israel. Oh but these idiots do not have time to serve their Nation State of Israel or protect their own people because they have to live off welfare and study Torah. But they sure find the time to block traffic and spend days causing chaos… they have the time for that, don’t they. They don’t have time to work and earn a decent living, so they live off welfare stating they have to have the time to study Torah…. but they can find the time to protest and block traffic and cause chaos even to the point of endangering our people’s lives. These idiots need to be exiled out of Israel forever, never to be allowed back into our Land. All these you see in these protest are NOT JEWS…. they may be Hebrews but they are not Jews. The word Jew comes from the word Judah… meaning Praise of G-d. None of these hateful bastards [as in not having G-d as their Father] are of G-d much less Praising our G-d in obedience to His Words of Torah. I pray HaShem bring down Judgement upon them all and may their disobedience and selfishness come down upon their own heads.

  7. this is what happens when a group is disenfranchised by their peer group – they have no recourse to normal channels of communication or representation. if the current chareidi representation in the knessset does not stop its incitement or doesnt take into account others with different views, more of this can be expected, unfortunately. This is a continuation of the old yishuv way of doing things of protesting injustice.

  8. If only the protesters would have arrived in wheelchairs and poured cement onto the road — then there wouldn’t be such vicious criticism from the esteemed commenters.

  9. The Little I Know,
    you are so far away, in yidishkeit and hashkofo, you really cant have a opinion regarding Peleg.
    there are 2 sides to the Peleg/Gimmel issues. after 120 you would not wish to be too embarrassed!

    I honestly don’t understand the YWN Anti Peleg campaign. newspapers are supposed to be report impartially.

  10. MORTIFIED!! I have never in my life felt such shame like i feel now to belong to the same group of people – Chareidim – like these bachurim making such a massive Chillul HaShem! I hope people realize that these peleg protesters DO NOT represent the Chareidi community at all, just a very tiny group of them.

  11. inrom
    November 28, 2018 11:57 am at 11:57 am
    the little I know – However you feel, it is not right to wish punishments on your fellow brothers. Can you really say that your wish for punishment is coming from a good place?
    They are sure you know what punishment they would get.
    So yes…. You can wish punishment on them.
    Lmaan yishmiu v’yerau vlo yezeedun oid.
    Arrest them all and take away all social benefits for life.
    When they come knocking on your door for handout treat them like you would treat a j4j missionaries.

    GO LEARN!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. To any of you knocking “little”, he is 100% right. I pity any one of you who would allow your daughter to marry any one of these leidigeier bums. You are all fools if you think that these are frum, ehrlich young boys. Your daughters will be miserable and probably end up being just another divorce statistic. This is geneiva, and time can never be repaid.
    @inrom: YES, they should be punished. Id put them in prison garb and make them clean the streets.

  14. Just a point i think some ppl dont know. In Israel if you want something to happen you take to the streets. Its the only way. Every single group has done this and will continue to #gush katif #housing crisis #africans #arabs #cheese prices……….. If you do it in Knesset or a politically correct way nothing happens the system is to corrupt.

  15. @american_yerushalmi — “If only the protesters would have arrived in wheelchairs and poured cement onto the road — then there wouldn’t be such vicious criticism from the esteemed commenters”

    Tipish! Those people aren’t wearing hats and jackets. We don’t care about them. We are embarrassed about these animals blocking our streets. Why don’t you do this in . and watch how fast you get a billy club in your face and dragged off to jail. Tipish gamur

  16. It took me an extra 45 – 60 minutes to get home
    I think they are losing alot of the understanding that the Oilmahad for them when Reb Shmuel ZT”L was still alive
    But most grown up I know who r actually “Eitsnikm” don’t go to protests and neither do serious Bochurim

  17. Here are several comments from other news articles on this same subject. These Jews feel the same way I do. As a matter of fact whether you be a Jew or Goyim these idiots are making fools out of themselves… nobody agrees with their insanity.
    Ari Da KA
    Haredi masses are controlled by political interests, how shameful is this case,
    Like · Reply · 2h

    Robert Taylor
    Doesn’t that “We will die and not be drafted” chant fall under the heading of “SELF-EVIDENT”? I mean, WHEN–has the IDF–EVER drafted DEAD PEOPLE?
    Like · Reply · 2h

    Jizzy McGuirk
    How much Torah can these students be studying if they don’t know that 1) You are to earn your bread by the sweat of your brow (and not by schnurring); and 2) You are to defend yourself and your fellow Jews by taking up arms against our enemies.

    They are a bunch of welfare cheating cowards.
    Like · Reply · 3 · 2h

    Barry Lynn
    This is not a good way to gain sympathy.
    Like · Reply · 3h

  18. Simha: I do not agree with blocking traffic. But, I’d like to ask if you are so mortified and ashamed of the degenerate LGBT society that much of Israel has turned into? Does the unimaginable chilul Shabbos that occurs regularly also mortify you? The putrid swamp of immorality in so many places of “entertainment” throughout the country, during the week and on Shabbos? How about the laws that have already passed in the knesset and others that are pending, granting even more “rights” to perverted lifestyles? Are you ashamed of what goes on in the IDF, what mortifying degradation many Jewish girls undergo during their “service to the nation?” These chilulei Hashem don’t bother you? Just the guys who dress like you embarrass you?
    FakeNews: your ad hominum attacks merely prove that you have nothing relevant or intelligent to say. It’s hard to understand how YWN publishes such unwarranted, personal comments that are practically nivul peh. I’m certain that if I posted comments using such language, I’d be moderated or edited.

  19. in one of the most famous Shaylos and Teshuvos seforim written by Rav Elyashiv ztz”l there is a Teshuvah directly about hafganos, and addresses specifically the main problems addressed by R’ Hoffman. In Kovetz Teshuvos volume 1 siman 44, Rav Elyashiv addresses a letter written to him by one of the Robbonim of Petach Tikvah about the hafganos that were taking place at the time in Petach Tikvah ( in 1986) – at the time a theater was opened on shabbos and the frum community led by The Ashkenzi Rov R’ Boruch Shimon Solomon and the Sfardi Rov, staged protests every shabbos for over a year, the protests were not legal and caused violence etc and definitely caused many people to be inconvenienced (gezel sheyna, Gezel zman & “pikuach nefesh” etc. like the hafganos going on now (maybe on a smaller level, but week after week for over a year) – Rav Elyashiv writes to him how he read his letter stating that the hafganos 1.Cause violence. 2. Cause hatred of the non-frum community to chareidim (chilul hashem) 3. Do not accomplish anything. Rav Elyashiv responds in detail to all of these and ends the Teshuvah with the hope that the Rov will continue leading the hafganos against chillul shabbos as before.
    The claim that it inconveniences so many people and is gezel zman and gezel sheynah and pikuach nefesh because someone may be going to the hospital is a claim against every Rebbeshe chasunah and public event that closes down streets. Every Levaya in Israel in the past 70 years caused traffic problems and inconvenienced many people and no one ever said that it is against halacha and the niftar should be taken from the place of the levaya directly to the beis hakvaros without going slowly through the streets. I assume the reason why thats not a problem is because if one has the right or chiyuv to protest he has the right to use public places even if it inconveniences others and that is not considered gezel.

  20. Kelilah, when did you serve in the IDF? Or are you another foreign hypocrite sitting in your easy ,plush life chutz l’aretz telling other people(whose lives are endangered daily from terror attacks) to serve in the soul-destroying ,anti-religious IDF? I don’t agree with Peleg’s methods, since I and my kids often have to walk kilometers to get home when public transportation is blocked, but most chaverim support them that the IDF is no place for a Frum Jew!

  21. > BABAKAMA

    “pres trump would shoot tear gas”

    And so it would be proper if the protetsors threw rocks the way the “caravan” people did at the guards.

  22. They also Mislead people (another aveira) into thinking this is against serving in IDF- actually Many Thousands Get Exemptions And DONT serve!

    The Fact is These Peleg are Spending Hours In Streets causing Harm to so many commuters… because They Don’t Want to Have to spend time to FILE THE EXEMPTION FORMS! LOL! They say Filing Exemption will take the Out Of BAIS MEDRASH!! so all this Time WASTED out of Bais Medrash And Inconveniencing and Endangering Lives Of Commuters blocking Fire Trucks, Buses full of Tired Hungry people late to work, Hospitals, Schools, For not wanting to legally File.

  23. american_yerushalmi – maybe if the Peleg bochurim, together with their Rebbeim, protested loudly about the degenerate LGBT society, the chilul Shabbos that occurs every week, the putrid swamp of immorality in so many places of “entertainment” throughout Israel, the laws granting even more “rights” to perverted lifestyles, the abortion rate in the Israeli army amongst girls forced into military service in “service to the nation” , etc. etc. etc, we, other haredim would have some resepct for them. Peleg are only interested in themselves. Protesting against all the things listed would be a kiddush hashem, stealing from others by stopping them getting to kollel, work, home is simply a chillul hashem.

  24. american_yerushalmi – Nu, of course everyone here opposes chillul shabbat, toeiva etc. The real question is – why do you always get upset when YWN and readers express opposition to the actions of certain elements within the charedi tzibbur, even when you purportedly agree that the actions are bad? Are we only allowed to criticize the ‘other’? Should evil acts that come from within not be criticized? Should bad actors from within the camp not be called out? Adrabba, when evil comes from our own camp it is even more shocking and hurtful and our outcries have a better chance of correcting the situation then when we rebuke outsiders. Hocheach tochiach – et amitecha.

  25. ah!! mi keamcha yisroel!!!! such mesirus nefesh for a fellow jew. its so beautiful to watch these videos. and for all the sonei torah here, i give you all a bracha that you should be chozer to a teshuva shelema bekarov mamash!!

  26. Arrest them, take them immediately to an induction center, induct them, and put them into a green uniform. It’s not like they’re doing anything else worthwhile.

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