Government Inspectors Arrive At Chevron Yeshiva During Third Seder

During the evening ours on Tuesday, close to 10:00PM, during the third seder, talmidim of Chevron Yeshiva Givat Mordechai were taken by surprise when government inspectors arrived. Needles to say, talmidim were truly surprised as inspectors usually appear during first or second seder, during the morning or afternoon hours respectively.

It soon became clear to the talmidim that they were inspectors of the Ministry of Welfare & Social Affairs – and not the inspectors of the Ministry of Education who conduct the regular inspections in the yeshiva halls.

The inspectors came to examine the shiur aleph students and the conditions of the dormitory in which they live, since they also receive a government budget, such as the yeshivos ketanos.

One of the bochrim is quoted telling Kikar Shabbos News that the third seder is such that talmidim are not compelled to learn in the main beis medrash, and they are permitted to learn in other shuls and even in other yeshivos, and therefore, it was strange for them to see government inspectors at that hour.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. So yeshivas and bais medrash get Money fron the Israeli government. Should we (they) have Hakaras Hatov for this Great thing?!?!? (Like Zevulun and Yissachar – even from the secular government)

  2. BenK. Yep, The Israeli government is the largest funder of Torah learning in the world by far, Billions of shekels all told every year and the state should indeed be shown Hakaras Hatov for this and many other things.
    On the other hand, I understand that to be truly deserving of a merit like Zevulun and Yissachar, it has to be done willingly, not reluctantly and dragged screaming every inch of the way via political horse trading.

  3. Huh?? Nearly evey Yeshiva here in US gets govenment subsidies. Food programs, school bussing, NYSTL book programs, fellowship programs, security assitance plans, electric and water plans, tax abatements and thousands each year supporting education in a variety of ways. Ask any Yeshiva administrator what they’d do if the governemnt really cut out all funding… Yes they partially fund Bais medrash and Kollel who are registered as Rabbinical colleges….

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