Jerusalem Chareidi Man Wants Memorial Day Siren Declared ‘Illegal’

elcElchanan Ostrowitz, the chareidi Jerusalem resident known for his graffiti vandalism attack at Yad Vashem in the summer of 2012 is now challenging the use of the siren on Memorial Day in Eretz Yisrael. Ostrowitz has taken his case to the Supreme Court in an effort to limit the sounding of the siren on Memorial Day to military bases and memorial sites, the Times of Israel reported.

When the siren sounds vehicular traffic and public transportation comes to halt as Israelis stand at attention to honor their dead. According to the petition this is a “classic characteristic of a dictatorship” and therefore, the court should accept his request to amend and limit the sounding of the siren.

Ostrowitz insists he is not alone; citing many Israelis feel the siren stops people from freely expressing their opinion and beliefs. Stopping all work and traffic as the siren sounds “is undemocratic” he posits, since the freedom of citizens is limited during that time period and therefore, the widespread sounding of the Memorial Day siren infringes on the basic rights of citizens. He maintains that for many people, they feel compelled to stand at attention during the siren so their compliance is the result of “fear, acting against their personal belief”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Elchonon Ostrowitz is the classical example of:- haPoresh Min haTzibur >>> Ein Lo Chelek leOlom haBo, and not being Mishtatef beTzoras haTzibur.

  2. If the Hareidim (post-conscription crisis) get together with the Arabs, they can take control of the municipal government, and ban observance of Israeli Independence Day. Of course the national government would probably strip Jerusalem of self-rule (similar to Washington, D.C.), but it would totally embarass the zionists. And once the expulsion of the Hareidim from the zionist world is complete, Jerusalem will have a non-zionist majority.

  3. Just wondering if he is the descendant of a Holocaust survivor…How does he remember the innocents of the Hitler era? Oh, I know, he doesn’t!

  4. GO JUMP IN A LAKE!!!! When stories like this get published it only encourages these losers to do more!! Why do you care what other people do? If YOU don’t want to stand silently to honor the dead when the siren sounds, so you and your cronies shouldn’t!! Keep that to yourself and don’t fuss!! Don’t make a fool of yourself and bash the already bad outlook of chareidim by the non-frum!! Has anyone thought of the possibility that the reason chareidim are now getting drafted is b/c losers like these are getting on the government’s nerves????????? (Payback)

  5. Why does the siren bother this animal? Its not against halacha, and does make us remember the kesoshim in a different way, why be different ?

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