TERROR IN JERUSALEM: 3 Police Officers Injured in Stabbing Attack at Armon Hanetziv Police Station [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

Three police officers were wounded in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem, Wednesday night.

The attack occurred at the entrance to a police station in the Armon Hanetziv section of the Capital just before 11:00PM local time.

Magen David Adom Paramedics treated two officers with light injuries. A third officer was lightly wounded from shrapnel, possibly from friendly fire as officer shot at the attacker.

The Palestinian terrorist was shot and is in critical condition.

2 Responses

  1. Wake up police officers. Can’t you understand, that the more jewish orthodox jews you will hate, the more Hashem will take revenge on you and punish these evil police jew hatters

  2. @yeshivah I know some very good people who are terribly ill. Please let me know how I can contact you privately so that you can ask Hashem why they are ill and let them know the answer.

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