Syrian Chemical Weapons Threat Prompted Apology to Turkey

chwUS Secretary of State John Kerry is being credited with brokering the events leading to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu apologizing to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to reports, Kerry laid the groundwork for the apology and the final push was given during his 48-hour visit last week by US President Barak Obama.

After close to three years of a break down in relations the two countries appear back on track towards rebuilding what was once a strong relationship. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu phoned Erdogan, as was reported by YWN on erev Shabbos, 11 Nissan 5773.

According to officials in Jerusalem, the mounting concerns surrounding the chemical weapons in Syria prompted the move, as both Israel and Turkey share these concerns. Mr. Netanyahu realized that he and his former ally can work together during this critical time, as both nations share a common interest, not wishing to see the non-conventional weaponry falling into the hands of terrorist organizations.

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon reportedly supported the move, well aware of the benefits of working alongside Turkey regarding the civil war and growing instability in Syria. The daily Yisrael Hayom adds that IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz and National Security Advisor Yaakov Amidror felt the move was beneficial towards dealing with today’s alarming reality in Syria.

The daily Maariv adds that officials in the elite Shayetet 13 Navy SEALS unit are angered over the apology, which leaves them with a feeling of betrayal. The members of the elite unit boarded what they believed was a ship carrying “peace activists” and before they knew what was occurring, they were under attack with knives, batons and other weapons. Some sustained very serious injuries.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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