CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Road Collapse on Israel’s Route 90


The accompanying photos shows the collapse of a section of Israel’s Route 90 in the north on erev Shabbos. There were no reports of injuries.

Route 90 is the longest Israeli road, at about 480 kilometers, and stretches from Metula and the northern border with Lebanon, along the western side of the Kinneret, through the Jordan River Valley, along the western bank of the Dead Sea (making it the world’s lowest road), through the Arabah Valley, and until Eilat and the southern border with Egypt on the Red Sea.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Media Resource Group)

One Response

  1. One cannot help but conclude that Rte 90 has suddenly become eerie over the past few weeks. Why is that? And what is daas torah saying about it?

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