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PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas Agrees To A Lull Between Israel & Hamas

Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi succeeded in persuading PA (Palestinian Authority) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to accept the understandings of Hamas’ truce with Israel, the London-based al-Hayat newspaper reported Thursday, after months during which Ramallah opposed the move, fearing such a move would perpetuate the Hamas regime in Gaza and would finally isolate the PA from Gaza.

According to Palestinian sources, during their meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh this week, al-Sisi explained to the PA chairman in detail the Egyptian efforts to achieve the necessary “calm” in Gaza, as well as and national reconciliation towards providing ‘breathing space’. The sources claim that the understandings consist of two stages: the first between two weeks and three and the other six months.

According to the sources, Israel agreed to transfer the Qatari grant amounting to $90 million to Gaza so that the salaries of Hamas government employees would be paid for six months. Israel’s condition: The transfer of funds is to be conducted by the United Nations on Thursday, 1 Rosh Chodesh Kislev, or next week. In addition, according to the report, as part of the first phase of the lull, Israel agreed to increase exports from Gaza for the first time in many years.

is expected to take place today or next week, and Israel agreed to increase exports from the Gaza Strip for the first time in many years.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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