Gafne Goes on the Offensive in Knesset Plenum Address

gafneMK (Yahadut Hatorah) is making good on his promise to launch a fierce opposition as he was on the offensive in his plenum address on Tuesday, 8 Nissan 5773.

“You committed to come to the assistance of the middle class and I want to see what you will do when treasury officials inform you that you must cut 40 billion NIS. Then you will suddenly realize who is deprived and who is wealthy. Will you go against the tycoons? Will you cut water and electric prices? If you do, I will stand up here and ask forgiveness and declare you should receive an award. However, woe is your life if you don’t. It will be most unfortunate what they will do to you. The chareidi public is quite intelligent and we will be here waiting to see what you have done.”

Gafne, who headed the Knesset Finance Committee during the last administration suggested to Lapid, the new Finance Committee, not to support a biennial state budget. He explained that as chairmen of the committee he opposed it.

The Knesset also passed the first reading of a bill that will grant the government 135 days from the day it was sworn in, Monday 7 Nissan 5773, to pass the new state budget.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. What they aim to do is to help charedim to earn a real living instead of relying on hand-outs and menial jobs.

    This is why Gafne and his cronies so hysterical. Once the charedi tzibbur is not impoverished and reliant on government and institutional handouts, the power of the charedi politicians will evaporate.

  2. And how exactly did MK Gafne balance the budget? or did the deficient swell under his auspices? There are problems that need to be fixed and there are no simple answers.

    The Charedim being in the opposition will benefit the nation and keep tabs on this new, novice government.

  3. Seems like a shidduch is being made. The first date seems to be going well.

    Gafne sounds quite similar to what Labor’s leader said. And note that she included Hareidim in oppressed groups to be appealed to. Don’t be surprised if Labor proposes an alternative to mass conscription that is acceptabled to the Hareidim, such as ending conscription and relying on volunteers. As soon as Likud realizes what is happening, Netanyahu will freak out. A Labor/Hareidi/Arab coalition is only eight seats short of winning, and the relative birth rates of the Hareidim and Arabs, combined with the fact that many Hareidim and Arabs boycott the election but could vote if it made a difference, means that Bennett and Lapid have more or less steered Likud into a trap.

    P.S. To Yagel Libi: Do you consider all teachers and academics to be parasites? And the reason most Hareidi have relatively menial jobs (no so much menial, as low paying in part since they are off the books) is that the zionist government has a law prohibiting hareidim from gainful employment (technically no, they can give up being hareidi and play soldier for a few years, but otherwise it is ILLEGAL in many cases to have an on the books job).

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