Motzei Shabbos Gathering On Behalf Of Frum Girls Imprisoned By The IDF

The Action Committee is announcing an event will take place this coming Motzei Shabbos, Chayei Sara, on behalf of four frum girls who refuse to serve in the IDF, and as a result, they are sitting in an IDF prison.

In their cases, military officials do not accept their claim of being frum, as they did not attend yeshiva their entire life, and therefore, they were drafted but the refused to comply with instructions and are not entering military service, so they have been imprisoned.

The event sponsored by the Peleg Yerushalmi faction is on behalf of;
1. אשרת רונית בת מורית
2. רחל נועה בת חדווה
3. שני בת נזלי
4. עקן בת שירת

Details as to where and when the event is to be held are to be announced.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. If this is “Yehoreg v’Al Ya’Avor” as per the poster, this is tantamount to Pikuach Nefesh, so I don’t comprehend why await until Motzei Shabbos for this event, because Pikuach Nefesh is Doche Shabbos.

  2. why did n’t these girls present documents that they are frum and they do not have to go into the IDF???

    Peleg likes to make protests. it is easier than figuring out a tosfos and more fun than a simple chillul haShem.

  3. 147, good question. To this stubborn audience it’s not pekuach nefesh it’s merely publicity. They likely don’t care about individual people before they are in trouble, but they like to cause trouble and disconcience for others to prove their point.

  4. The military and government reshoyim have no business deciding who is or isn’t frum. Anyone wanting to be frum has the absolute right to be frum, whether the zionists like it or not or agree with it or not.

  5. Luckshun kugel, they did. They provided all the proper paperwork at the correct time, yet the army decided that they’re not frum solely based on the fact that they went to secular schools as kids. While that is true, the reason was because they are baalei teshuvah who have started the process of getting closer to yiddishkeit, and they understand that IDF service is detrimental to this journey.

    147, that’s a pointless argument. 40 years ago, when the Gedolim called for the massive historic protest against Giyus Banos, with the participation of Gedolim such as the Tchebeiner Rav, etc, that protest was also planned. It wasn’t spontaneous. So too here, this event will be more like an Atzeres Tefillah with speeches etc.
    They have also made spontaneous protests outside the courthouse while the girl’s case was being discussed.

    Kshomron, correct. Because the Peleg Yerushalmi expresses concern for all frum girls who are facing difficulties obtaining an exemption – per the instructions of the Chazon Ish who said that it is imperative on each and every one of us to fight for every single girl, even a completely chiloni girl if she expresses disinterest in serving in the IDF – not less than how much we would fight for a regular Beis Yaakov girl.

    It’s a shame that we’ve reached the point where any and all feeling towards yiddishkeit has been labeled as extreme and radical.

    To all those who may doubt the frumkeit of these precious girls, keep in mind that they are all afforded the option of instant release the moment they agree to join the IDF. The fact that they are willing to stay in jail and not give in to something that infringes on their religious principles proves their adamant position on the matter, and their commitment to getting closer to Hashem.

  6. Please give us a rational logical reason as to why females should not join the idf
    And not just because the Chazon ish
    Ztvk’l said so

    No ranting please

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