Rain Predicted this Week Baruch Hashem

r.jpgWe can only hope that forecasters are correct and the predicted rains will fall.

Local showers are predicted for Sunday, with flood warnings issued for the Judean Desert and Yam HaMelech (Dead Sea) areas.

A sharp drop in temperatures is expected today, Sunday, with showers gaining in intensity from the north to the northern Negev.  Showers are expected to continue in the north and center on Monday, with local showers expected in the north on Tuesday. Temperatures will begin to climb on Wednesday and Thursday.

As was reported earlier by YWN, Water Authority officials state we are in desperate need of additional rain, explaining Lake Kinneret remains at a dangerously low level.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. B”H, today Yerushalayim had a heavy downpour for approx. 1/2 an hour around 1pm. It sounded as if a valve had busted and water was gushing out! It is not yet Nissan and is still the time for rain. May Hashem send the rain where it is needed.

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