IDF Removing 50 Roadblocks Throughout Yehuda and Shomron

idf checkpoint.jpgDefense Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday will meet with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, at which time he will detail the reduction in restrictions on Palestinian Authority residents in line with US wishes.

Included in the list is the removal of 50 roadblocks, usually consisting of large mounds of dirt that were strategically placed to prevent Arab motorists from accessing certain routes. A small number of military checkpoints will also be removed, all towards signaling to the White House that Israel remains willing to make concessions to the PA.

Israel is also reducing travel restrictions on Palestinian Authority dignitaries (VIPs).

This in addition to the approval of the deployment of 600 paramilitary PA forces in Jenin, troops trained by US CIA agents in Jordan, as well as the distribution of AK-47 assault rifles, night-vision equipment and 25 armored vehicles, a gift to the PA from Russia.

Officials in Barak’s office report the reduction in restrictions were decided upon following consultations with IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi and other General Staff officers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. You know, I once heard an interesting saying: “With friends like these who needs enemies?”…

    Hashem Yeracheim al amo Yisrael.

  2. On the practical side, the general public somehow seems to be incessantly wooed by crummy politicians who are constantly doing bad for the people…for some odd reason instead of “throwing the bums out of office” and trying someone new, the public puts on their “zombie masks” and opts for the same old familiar names when election day rolls around again. Maybe someone has an idea of how to start some time of campaign to arouse the general public, both Jew and l’havdil non-Jew alike, out of this “politician’s trance”. For example, in Ramat Bet Shemesh, sewage has literally flown through the streets like streams on many, many occasions, and it took the iriyah sometimes weeks to send in the truck that sucks out the excess so that the overflow will stop. Now, having a properly working septic system is basic in today’s age to proper sanitation and health needs of the wider public. Recently, Venkin and co. have been making their little politico efforts at pr and wooing the public by doing things like putting free maps of Bet Shemesh in everyone’s mailbox and setting up a few new public benches along the streets here and there. I have this ominous feeling that the public will indeed put on their zombie masks and allow themselves to be wooed into voting these jokers in again. How can we stop this self-destructive insanity???

    Someone out there with a brainstorm, please provide us with a good idea!

  3. Oh, isn’t that just nice? This just makes it easier for the Arabs to kill the Jews, chas v’shalom, in honor of Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice!

  4. Oy hashem yishmor.. arab traffic will increase and thus making it easier for terrorists to access the roads.

    The more arab traffic there is, the less vigilant the soldiers are..

    What about the jewish road blocks ? once upon a time, to get to chevron, onbe need only make a right down the road leading to kiryat gat / beer sheva and another right and you drive straight to chevron.

    Then yossi shok hy’d gets killed so the brilliant crackpots in the army decide “hey lets close the road” now everyone has to drive through kiryat arba adding 10 min to the trip.

  5. As everyone knows, when the roadblocks go down, it only increases the danger to the Jews in Eretz Yisrael, Hashem Yishmor.

    While the region’s politics is somewhat difficult to comprehend, the statement “A small number of military checkpoints will also be removed, all towards signaling to the White House that Israel remains willing to make concessions to the PA.” also indicates something very strange.

    Israel has a figurative den of wild tigers (for whatever reason they are what they are). To show they wish to proceed towards “peace”, they have to open the cage and see how long they can “safely” leave it open before once again slamming it shut.

    What does this latest “opening the gates” show? Israel obviously wants peace or it would not consistently engage in suicidal behavior, to prove it. Why the need to further threaten the safety of its citizens?

  6. #2
    its going on all over
    people voted for hillary, even though you know who she is.
    people vote in lakewood even though you know that the candidate will raise your taxes year after year after year
    no one looks for change, its more secure with the old even if its bad. its human nature
    only control of mind over body will change things

  7. #2 read sefer shoftim
    each time the yiden did tishuva there was peace for a lot of years
    we just went thru purim and we seem to have missed the point.

  8. Dear Condi,
    Why do the izzys always have to make”concessions” while the arabs yemach sh’mom dont ever have to do a blasted thing?!!

    The problem really is that the izzy govt is sooooo blind but they should really tell you to do is go straght to g’henim!

  9. It is a myth that the US pressures Israel and then they buckle under pressure. The US has no interest in pacifying ‘Palestinians’ or Abbas. The hate Arab terrorists as much as we do and they know the true colors of Abbas. The Israeli government of the Erev Rav is ‘dying’ to get rid of parts of Eretz Yosroel including the Har Habyis. The are literally begging the US to act as if they pressuring them so as not to look like a bunch of losers, with no backbone. If Israel would show the smallest desire to rid themselves once in for all from these beasts the US would be very thankful. Publicly the US would make some political statements, but inwardly they would all feel very relieved.

  10. #13- So whom do you like? You say that the arabs never have to do a thing, but you also say that the Israeli gov. is blind. Who’s side are you on?

  11. #15, the answer is obviously, “Neither!”.

    While the Arab murderers are obviously to be condemned and are likely the greater evil here, still, Israel’s not only refusal to defend itself but, further, its insistence on, G-d forbid, endangering its citizens by slowly bleeding itself to death (Madrid, Oslo, each “concession”, et al.), is still inexplicable. Therefore, one does not need to be on either “side” in this “conflict” as the two are wrong for different reasons.

  12. #11- there is a very good reason not to give it a chance. it is endangering lives. mine for one, as I live in Yesha (yehuda/shomron). There is no good excuse for a country to do stupid and foolish things that put their citizens at risk. Remove roadblocks and checkpoints?! are they normal?!

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