Coming Soon – A New Hechsher in Israel?

kosher1.jpgPerhaps it will further complicate the already confusing kashrus scene in Israel, but it appears that Rav Efrati, who is very close to Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita, will be spearheading the new effort, which will enjoy the support of both the litvish and chassidic communities.
The new hechsher will most likely hit the Sheris Yisrael hechsher, which of late has registered a decline, and perhaps even the Jerusalem-based Eida Hareidit, which is considered the supreme hechsher today.
The premise behind the move is that what works for fruits and vegetables can work for the greater food industry and according to a survey commissioned by the rav’s staff; about 40% of the chareidi community relies on his hechsher for mehadrin fruits and vegetables. While he enjoys greater support among the litvish community vs. the chassidic, it does appear that he will gain among chassidim too should he move ahead with a new hechsher a report in the Belz-backed BaKehilla newspaper reported.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

16 Responses

  1. The kashrus situation in Israel is very influenced by outside factors commonly referred to as “politics.” I agree, but it seems the more appropriate term to use would be GELT.

    Every “rav” and “rebbe” needs jobs for his sons and son in laws. Also, it consolidates their power. They aren’t evil, just opportunists like everyone else. If only the public would recognize this…

  2. A new hechsher helps create Achdus! You can more easily identify those who hold the same chumros as you.

    A new hechsher helps improve Kashrus standards; years of experience can be thrown overboard so they can be cheated in ways that experienced organizations already know how to prevent.

    A new hechsher proves that Kashrus is L’shem Shomayim; why else would somebody want to spend hours in a kitchen, when he could be gainfully unemployed.

  3. i hope this hechsher hits the remote places in israel too, like hotels and resturaunts outside jerusalem as well!! r efrati definitely knows his fruits and vegies!!

  4. See what Heht has to say about Zionism…
    Hechsher or not, is it really kosher ? Or is it ? Buth then again we have to stop and think if after all it really is kosher after all.

    Reminds me of my Uncle Tully from Netivot, the one I mentioned earlier has that really great Nutmeg Chabadash Mozeralla Babaganoush dip, that when buying kosher food, “make sure its kosher!”

    Like the time his wife Hentcha bought (grilled) apricots from from that funny store next to Machne Yehuda when the guy could have been a non jew, or using potato starch compatible with Shemitta. And lets not forget tunafish. By the way, Henchie has a great Pickled Compote Albacore recipe that bochurim who come for Shabbos are wild about… (when they come from the yeshiva)

    As always, stay true to our roots and stand strong and be proud.
    Forsooth !!!!

  5. Bakehilla is not backed by Belz whatsoever as everyone knows. Belz’s newspaper is called Hamachane Hacharedi if I remember correctly. No one cares because only Belzers read it. No one else. Most chassidim won’t go for the new hechsher just as they don’t go for She’eris. Many of them also boycott Rav Ruben.

  6. Private hechsherim are never going to be as accountable as ones run by a proper Beis Din, no matter who’s hechsher it is.

  7. Whats really needed is NOT another hechsher. Rather we need someone or an organization that can clarify all the different hechsheirim that already exist.As someone who likes to eat out,I have to inquire about each restaurant every time I want to go because things change daily. However there is no one to ask and those you do ask all have different opinions due to politics.

  8. Go with sheris yisroel, which is a hechsher coming from bnei brak, there is a lubavitch connection to it so Efrati is not so pleased…

  9. Sheris Yisroel is great (for Shemitta) more Machmer then the Eidah (not that Machmer is an answer to anything ITS NOT but their Pasak on Shemitta just makes more sense (not that i have to understand EVERYTHING that Rabbonim do but in the case of Shemitta i do)

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